Boat Keeps shaking like crazy and tilting

So basically, my boat (around 150x150) keeps tilting and shaking like crazy, i have implemented no scripts whatsoever except a vehicle seat. Any help would be appreciated!

Boats work with the physics of the water terrain… if your boat shakes, it needs a wider or longer hull, more or less mass, or an even distribution of weight, or any combination of these factors. It’s hard to pinpoint without a video, and tinkering with these factors.

But the bottom line is the boat needs to have even weight distribution to not wobble, it needs enough mass to float and carry passengers but not to sink, and it needs a wide enough base to bob in the water but not tip over. Its a lot of trial and error.

For example, sometimes using invisible parts weld constrained to the boat will help as well, such as a wide invisible base that will keep the boat balanced, but not make the actual visible boat wobble due to its slim shape.

Do you have a picture of the boat, or a video of the issue, this will help us guide you a bit better?


As @RMofSBI stated, boats need to be stable in Roblox as well as IRL.
I’ve used boats that are only about 10 studs wide by 15 studs long and have been stable, but I also weld a heavy Part under the boat (it can actually be located many studs below the lower surface of the boat (just like a regular sailboat has a keel) that keeps the boats Center of Mass below the waterline.
You also need to ensure the Density (look up CustomPhysicalProperties of the boat isn’t low enough to sit right on top of the water, but just slightly below the water level. Do not make boats Massless, unless you have a Dense keep part to make it Stable.


Thank you for your solution, Massless worked just perfectly fine!

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For others reading this, please explain which of the items I said that worked for you. You only stated that Massless worked fine, but didn’t say what solved it.

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