BoboFighter - Performant Server Sided Anti Exploit

BoboFighter is designed to be as flexible as possible and check reliably while being performant. It handles all the possible edge cases but not every due to limitations that I mentioned. BoboFighter is right now, the most reliable anti exploit as it is heavily battle tested against various exploits. Also, I don’t think you’ve read the Settings module:

It is set false on the server, still not working

I do have the highest version. I will send a video when Im avaible on my computer

Update your module from the Roblox model or github again. Guilty that I forgot to update the actual no clip detection improvements.


I can vouch for BoboFighter. It is easy to use, and from my tests, doesn’t take a significant amount of memory on the game (my game is pretty small in part count/players though). I have tested around, and it does indeed prevent clipping/teleporting, as you can see from this video:


Other Version, not in mp4 format

There was slight lag after the script picked up the exploits, but other than that, it functioned well.

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Glad you are having a good experience with BoboFighter. For some reason the video isn’t playable. Also, there is no lag. BoboFighter will take your players network ownership if caught exploiting for around a interval of 5 seconds by default, but can be configured in the settings module.

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Got it. I used “lag” generally, as most players would assume it to be lag. I’m not concerned if the exploiters experience this “lag” though. Thanks!

Edit: The video plays on my computer, but here is a mp4 version:


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I’ve made big stability improvements to physics detections. Most notably the no clip one, which now efficiently handles a edge case where the player would be teleported to the object which would make the player stuck obviously, if the anti exploit didn’t detect immediately in a rare case :

Vertical and fly detections have been improved and BoboFighter will now not detect vertical / fly if the player isn’t moving, except for no clip. No clip depth calculation has been noticeably improved, which should be some aid to rare false positives.

Leeways have also been tweaked for the best general performance of BoboFighter:

Lastly, I’ve cleaned up redundant functions and BoboFighter will now NOT detect the following non-physic exploits:

  • Invalid tool deletion → Fixed by Roblox
  • God mode → Fixed by Roblox
  • Invalid hat drop → Fixed by Roblox

Make sure to update your module here:


when did this happen? source?

character limit

Bobo Fighter Update v2.2 - Beta


BoboFighter versions from 1.7 and 1.9 are now completely unsupported and removed from the repositories’ tags.


  • New non physics detection, PrimaryPartDeletion. Which will check if the player’s primary part was destroyed. This check should be disabled if your game has server / client-side code which destroys the primary part for whatever reason.


  • More performance and stability improvements.

  • Heavy code refactor, and more descriptive comments.

  • BoboFighter.GetExploitData now takes a player as an argument, not the player’s name.

  • All detections by BoboFighter will fire ExploitData.ListenToNewFlag, passing in a single argument which will be a table with a Detection member and 1 other necessary data. Now this event will not leave you in the dark by passing in unnecessary arguments.

Update your module here:

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Issue with the anti cheat:
When switching between high walkspeeds and low walk speeds rapidly/switching a high walkspeed to a low walk speed will result in the player getting flagged.

Add a speedTolerance variable to _PhysicsData which is increased when a players walkspeed changes, this can also be used for things like dash which the server can give the player extra speed tolerance by adding to the variable.


Edit: Walkspeed was changed on the server and used the latest version of the roblox model.

Make sure your anti exploit is up to date and make sure you change walk speed only server side. BoboFighter shouldn’t detect you for high speeds if you’re rapidly changing them on the server.


All serversided anti exploits will never be perfect. However, BoboFighter is infact the most reliable and performant out of all, but that doesn’t mean edge cases like this will be accounted for. BoboFighter may expose a method ExploitData:AddSpeedTolerance(speedTolerance) in the next update, which will be released in 1-2 months probably.

Bobo Fighter Update v2.3-Beta


  • Complete modular system for detections and checks, easily configure, toggle or add new custom checks.

  • BoboFighter now accounts for player resetting while punished if enough time has not passed.

  • 3 new checks:

  • Added group configuration support for BoboFighter, easily black list players with a certain rank in a certain group.

  • Increased RecheckCooldown in Settings module to 7.


  • BoboFighter will now update LastCFrame if the player isn’t inside an object, this greatly improved stability and will now guarantee to prevent players stuck inside an object in a rare case of being teleported back to the previous position.

  • Heavy, fully complete code refactor, reducing in total of 250+ lines due to a fully fledged modular system.

  • Far more increased physics detection stability.

Update your module here:


There is an issue with No-Clip when the player walks under an upside-down wedge, sphere, cylinder, parts that are slightly rotated and falling objects. My guess is the problem is coming from the detection of the player if they’re inside a part or something like that.

Note: The number on the right is the number of flags

Also another issue with the no-clip detection. Since the module does not check if the server teleported the player, everyone is getting flagged when they respawn or are teleported by the server.

This is incorrect - the module does account for players being teleported serverside, Hence why this module is the most successful out of others due to it being handling a ton of edge cases and being reliable. Make sure you:

  • Have the latest vesrion of the module.
  • Teleport your player’s server side, you may be accidentally doing it client sided.

@braveheart882474 I’ll take a look at the issue soon.

That’s pretty weird. Indeed they are being teleported by the server, even when they get respawned using player:LoadCharacter() on the server they get flagged.
I just updated the module, the issue started happening just as I updated it. When I was using a previous version this wasn’t happening (I was using v1.9).

No one has reported any issue with teleportation nor I’ve (tested it just right now). I’ll take a look at the issue.

Seems to be an issue on my end, since I’ve modified the script a bit to integrate with my ban system and log system.
I just deleted the No-clip detection module, got the original one and re-implemented my changes, that fixed it, which is pretty weird, since my previous changes did not change anything related to the detection part of the code.
Thank you for your attention anyway, and thanks for the outstanding work!

A rule of thumb is that you should never modify BoboFighter’s actual source for your work. BoboFighter comes with a ListenToNewFlag signal (can be accessed via the player’s exploit data through BoboFighter.GetExploitData(player). The signal is fired whenever the player is flagged.

For your convience, set up the signal for that player as follows:

local exploitData = BoboFighter.GetExploitData(player)

     local detection = detectionData.Detection
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