I’ve been working on making a Nascar racing game for a while now, I’ve been working on the basics of a car controller (Movement/Turning) and it works perfectly! I use BodyGyro to turn currently, but this is where the problems start;
BodyGyro turns the car, but it also keeps it in place, meaning there’s no crashing into walls or pitting other cars. This is why I want to sue BodyAngularVelocity, as it will apply the force but let other physics work too. When I use the BodyAngularVelocity it just doesn’t turn the car at all, even with torque in the millions and a large amount of power.
Is there something I might be missing as to how BodyAngularVelocity works? Or should I find a different way to turn the car?
Roblox physics can be strange.
Just like the real world though, too much Mass means that you need more Force to move it and if you reach that limit then you’re stuck.
With my vehicles I usually make the Primary Part of the Model the largest, heaviest Part, and make most of the rest of it Massless, so it’s easier to fine tune the handling.
I also don’t use BodyMovers, just Hinges, steering and suspension.