BodyForce Acceleration Physics

When you do something like

bodyForce.force =, 5000, 0)

What is that saying about acceleration? I thought it’s saying that the acceleration is 5000 studs / sec^2, but when I measure this I get roughly 70, which is the square root of 5000.

local last = tick()

while wait() do
	local dt = tick() - last
	last = tick()

    bodyForce.Force =, 5000, 0) 

	local deltaVel  = (PART.Velocity - lastVel) 
	lastVel = PART.Velocity
	print(deltaVel/dt) -- formula for acceleration, gives me roughly 70 not 5000

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Well, F = ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. Since you know m and F, you can solve for a as F/m.


Forgot I need to account for mass too.

local last = tick()

while wait() do
	local dt = tick() - last
	last = tick()

    bodyForce.Force =, 5000, 0) 

	local deltaVel  = (PART.Velocity - lastVel) 
	lastVel = PART.Velocity
	print(mass * (deltaVel / dt)) 