BodyForce will not move a part even at max force

I am trying to move a sphere in zero gravity using user input, and I have it set up where if ‘W’ is pressed, the bodyForce is changed to a non zero number.

My goal is to just make the sphere move, whatever direction it may be, but bodyForce is having no effect, even when the vector is being successfully changed.

The sphere is not anchored, and when I used toWorldSpace as a test, it moved perfectly fine. But I want it to move on the axis relative to the sphere.

Anyone know whats going on?

Try posting a video or the script so we can see and try it out ourselves!

CollisionSphere is the sphere I want to move. The bodyforce code is from a bodyforce tutorial, in which it works. But for me no movement occurs whatsoever.

UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessedEvent)
	if gameProcessedEvent then 
	if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then
		local forward = CollisionSphere.CFrame.lookVector
		CollisionSphere.BodyForce.Force = forward  * 800

I figured out that I am supposed to be using BodyThrust for this instead, but the problem still remains. Body movers can be altered with code, but do not do anything. If I set the bodymovers properties in edit mode manually and run it, it works no problem.

Will the sphere roll? If so I’d suggest not using lookVector as the lookVector is gonna always be the front side no matter what meaning if it is 90 degrees it won’t actually go forwards. For the problem itself, is the NetworkOwnership set to the player moving it?

NetworkOwnership was the issue, thanks.
