I’m using a bodygyro to align hrp cframe to the wall so they’re facing the right way
Everything’s getting destroyed right, but this is my first time using bodygyros. I’m not too sure why it’s not letting my humanoidrootpart rotate correctly after it’s destroyed.
I just read up on this.
I think you forgot to use GetService. local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
I could be completely wrong, just got it straight from the wiki.
-You’re deleting the gyro one second after instantiating it.-
Physics objects only influence objects in the world when they exist as a descendant of the world.
-Remove the gyro from Debris.-
Also, if you want to prevent the Humanoid from rotating when the player moves. Set the Humanoid.AutoRotate to false or true when you need it.
-correction, I think I see what you’re doing.
Set the CFrame of the Gyro to the HRP’s CFrame when you create it
Try also reducing the amount of force applied to both the gyro and velocity, you don’t need math.huge for that and your character is probably being thrown to the null zone because of it.
i did wat u said, i think i found out what the real issue is, I think the renderstepped loop that’s controlling the humanoidrootpart’s CFrame as U can see here:
found the solution, IT WAS THE BODYVELOCITY. I refrained from using debris to destroy the bodyvelocity, used tick() to estimate when a second had passed, after that I set the maxvelocity to 0 and set the parent to nil, then destroyed. worked.