bodyGyro bugs out when going below -20 or 20 degrees in the X axis

when i try rotating on the x axis using my mouse it completely locks out when going above or below 20 degrees, rotating on the y axis continually is absolutely fine though and works perfectly.

	bg.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(part.Position, ,MousePos.Y,MousePos.Z))

here is my code, the players camera is locked at the position of a part behind the ship if that provides any more context, its what allows the ships to be able to continually rotate on the axis the player moves their mouse in.

All help appreciated!!

i’ve had an issue like this as-well, have you found a solution?

Do not use bodygyro. bodyangularvelocity is far superior.

Bodygyro asks for a fixed cframe angle, bodyangularvelocity is a fixed velocity, which means it has no issues rotating.

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i figured it out, also these are both used for different things

i shouldve clarified, far superior for the task at hand. Which needs continuous velocity

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