BodyMover and Filtering Enabled Issue

When BodyMovers, such as BodyPosition and BodyGyro, are used in a game with Filtering Enabled they, by default, are replicated to the rest of the server. This however is causing me problems for an obby stage of mine, as other players will collide with a local player’s ‘slide pad’, causing it to bug and break. You can view the bug on stage 2 of the game here:

Is there anyway to prevent this, so that BodyMovers do not replicate to the rest of the server?

Showing us what game it appears on isn’t always helpful to the people that are trying to figure out how to solve your problem.
Be sure to attach a repro file.

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So the pads and body movers are local, and while other players can’t see others’ pads, the slide pads can see other players, and they react to them which causes problems. Am I understanding this correctly?

Place the object in the player’s camera, or create the part locally. It will most likely solve your issue.

If I am understanding what the problem is, then like @Nitefal said - creating the part locally will fix the problem.

If the part doesn’t exist for other players it has nothing to replicate to, and so the BodyMovers will also not replicate - however this leaves room for exploiting vulnerability so it’s your call.

Yep, that’s exactly the problem

That’s what I’ve done. The sliding pads are local, but the BodyMovers inside them replicate to the rest of the server still

The sliding parts are already located in the Current Camera. My problem is, I want the body movers to be local as well, however when BodyMovers are inserted into parts, these parts then begin to collide with other players.

I read this somewhere:

“Roblox make some things auto-replicated(Effect the server if used locally) for to help devs. BodyMover(BodyPosition,BodyGyro,etc) changes replicate.”

If this is true, then this is my issue. I want to do the opposite and not make them replicate.

A lot of things rely on this behaviour for it to replicate BUT the parts certainly shouldn’t be able to interact if they are local so that is an issue… I understand your problem

It sounds like there’s no replication going on here at all.

  • Your parts are local, so they cannot replicate
  • Your BodyMovers are in local parts, so they are not replicating
  • Your parts are colliding with other players

It sounds like your parts are colliding with other players locally. The client is calculating the physics of your sliding parts and the client calculates that they hit other players. There is no replication going on here.

The easiest way to solve this that I can think of is Collision Groups. Locally, you would set all other players to a “PlayersNoPhysics” collision group, and set your sliding pads to a collision group that does not collide with “PlayersNoPhysics”.

A bit of a caveat with this is that Collision Groups are not meant to be used locally. You’re going to have to set parts’ CollisionGroupId instead of using SetPartCollisionGroup when you set it locally. You’ll need to make the Collision Groups on the server.

It might even be possible to just set “PlayersNoPhysics” to not collide with “Default” – then all locally simulated objects should pass through all other players. If you never have multiple players physically interacting with the same (unanchored) object then this is a pretty easy solution.

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Yep, that’s exactly whats going on. Thanks for your help, I’ll have a go at implementing this now.

Be sure to mark that as the solution, then, so users that don’t read the previous replies try to solve an already fixed problem.

Thanks, how do I do that? This is my first time using the DevForum, so I’ve still got quite a bit to learn.

There’s a checkmark button in the same area as the like/…/etc buttons. Clicking it will mark the post as the solution for your thread.

Okay cheers.