this shouldve been a pretty straightforward task but i ran into a problem i have NO idea how to fix. I am trying to apply a bodyvelocity to a part but it doesnt move at all or it just starts weirdly floating in the air
the bodyvelocities velocity is never edited past its actual creation
Did you check/change the BodyVelocity.P? Try changing that to a higher value and test it.
I don’t recommend using math.huge for body velocities usually. Doing that will make your part move with negligible downward force and when it touched a part, it’s going to fly in another direction. You can use some small values, however it’s based on the mass of an object. But you can keep it for testing purposes.
the bodyvelocity was created client side and applied to a part that was being replicated, so i guess what kept happening was that the replication was getting in the way of the velocity? This also applies to AssemblyLinearVelocity from what ive tested.
i found a workaround though: just cloning that part (on the client) and using the clone for the bodyvelocity