BodyVelocity Issue

Hello I made a punching script that is supposed to give a tiny bit of force to any player that you punch. However I am having this issue where sometimes when I hit the player, the player will move upward instead of outward.

My script looks like this:

local victim = game.Workspace.Dummy
local force = math.random(25,35)
local forceDirection = game.Workspace.billybobtijoseph.RightHand

local BV ="BodyVelocity",victim.HumanoidRootPart) -- BodyVelocity object
BV.MaxForce =,10000000,10000000)
--BV.Velocity = CFrame.Angles(0,0,0) * forceDirection.CFrame.LookVector * force --ANGLE = 1, SPEED = 2.
BV.Velocity = forceDirection.CFrame.LookVector * force --ANGLE = 1, SPEED = 2.
local debrisTime = {0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.14}
debrisService:AddItem(BV,debrisTime[math.random(1,#debrisTime)]) -- Destroy the BodyVelocity after the character is flung back

Obviously there is more to this script but this is the basic part that is giving me issues.

I think this has something to do with the way my ‘RightHand’ is facing during the animation. However I can’t change the animation. Is there a different way that I can attack this problem and prevent the player from constantly moving upward but instead move outward?? I don’t want to use

local forceDirection = game.Workspace.billybobtijoseph.HumanoidRootPart

because I want the player to move in the direction based on where the punch is going. None of my punches go upward so I am curious to how I can fix this.

You can test this here:

What if it’s a HumanoidRootPart rather than a hand? I think the LookVector of the hand can be facing upwards because of the animation.

local forceDirection = game.Workspace.billybobtijoseph.RightHand


local forceDirection = game.Workspace.billybobtijoseph.HumanoidRootPart

There must be some other way I can get around this yes?

Try setting the BodyVelocity’s MaxForce.Y value equal to 0 rather than 10000000.

BV.MaxForce =,0,10000000)