For some reason when i use body velocity on non players it works perfectly fine. When i use it on actual players it doesn’t seem to work as intended.
Compare both the NPCs and players masses.
i’m setting everything to massless
i see, try switching to VectorForce?
the issue is still occurring even after changing the instance to Vector Force
although BodyVelocity is deprecated (you can still use it) i don’t think changing the instance was going to solve this problem
the physics might differ, wouldn’t hurt to cross out some possibilities
The problem is most likely the Animate script is processing animations at the same time, I would recomment using the StopAllAnims event upon request, and then firing your event.
no animations are playing though
When you say animate script, if you’re referring to the default animate script, that’s disabled, i have my own animation system.
The animate script inside the players model automatically detects when your player is moving and sets the status. You need to ensure the script has stopped all the animations before you run your animations.
If you are using a custom script, do the same.
my animation system stops all playing animations for me
Then you may be needed to be applying forces to the character to ensure it stays on the ground until required to get back up. Trying using PlatformStand to ensure it doesn’t glitch out.
why would i want to apply forces to make sure the player stays on the ground, im trying to move the character into the air which works for non players but doesnt for players
changing network ownership and making limbs massless don’t work either