Bomb Spawner Help

  1. What do you want to achieve? I am trying to make a bomb spawn in random locations.

  2. What is the issue? While the first bomb will spawn, the second one won’t.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have tried tweaking the script a bit but none of my solutions seem to work. Any help?

while game.Workspace.Difficulty.Value > 0 do
	local time = game.Workspace.Difficulty.Value
	game.ReplicatedStorage.Bomb.Parent = workspace
	repeat wait() until game.Workspace.Bomb
	game.Workspace.Bomb.Position = math.random(-3.3, 91.8), 34.15, math.random(-91.8, 4.6)
	time = time - 0.1

Since you’re cloning the bomb out of ReplicatedStorage directly, it will only clone once. To get around this, create a local variable for your clone, parent it and position it. I don’t believe it’s necessary to use a repeat wait loop here. If you want to check the existence of your cloned bomb, use FindFirstChild or check that your bomb is not equal to nil.

while game.Workspace.Difficulty.Value > 0 do
	local time = game.Workspace.Difficulty.Value
	local bomb = game.ReplicatedStorage.Bomb:Clone()
	bomb.Parent = workspace
	if bomb ~= nil then
	Bomb.Position =, 91.8), 34.15, math.random(-91.8, 4.6)) -- Should be vector3
    time = time - 0.1

this should work:

while game.Workspace.Difficulty.Value > 0 do
	local time = game.Workspace.Difficulty.Value
	local bomb2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Bomb:Clone() -- i found two errors in the code btw, the first one was here.
	if bomb2 then
		bomb2.Parent = game.Workspace
		repeat wait() until game.Workspace.Bomb
		game.Workspace.Bomb.Position =, 91.8), 34.15, math.random(-91.8, 4.6)) -- the second error was here
			time -= .1

Thanks! Helped me out tremendously. :smile: