Bombo's Survival Knife not scaled properly on R15

Hello, for a while now, I have noticed that some gears have not been scaled properly when displayed on the user profile in R15, while some of them are. I was hoping this bug could be fixed for my favorite gear to have displayed on my profile, Bombo’s survival knife. Here is an example of what it looks like:

Expected behavior

And Here’s what it should look like with a different gear for example:

I’m confused, are you saying it’s too big/small? Or that it’s not in the correct position? I personally don’t see anything wrong with it in the image you provided.


belongs in #bug-reports:catalog-asset-bugs.

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Can you be more specific I don’t understand.


Thank you for flagging this. The knife works as expected on a few different Avatars that we tried it with. Can you provide additional information on how to reproduce the bug?


What I mean is, it breaks the r15 avatar so that it doesn’t show the animation pack on the character.

Can you let us know how to reproduce the bug?

An example of another broken gear

For those that didn’t understand the bug report, the OP is trying to say that when wearing gears with the rig type being “R15”, the idle of an animation that you bought on Marketplace should appear while holding the object:

You see, this is the idle of the Toy Pack Animation, which is what should be the expectation. Instead, what is happening here is that it is not showing the idle, only looking as if PlatformStand ( is enabled, and the only small difference is that the RightLowerArm is slightly rotated:


I’m not exactly sure; however, I believe these gears have their pose set to be that (although please correct me if I’m wrong on this). Gears can contain poses, and these gears (like many others afaik) decided to provide this as their pose. It’s a bit odd that it overrides all limbs, but that can’t really be fixed without removing the former, more classic, option; which isn’t exactly ideal either. It seems that poses in profile pictures take priority over gear poses, so potentially a solution could be to link in with that system to provide both of these as options, including both this new ideal behaviour AND the current classic version?

Yes, you are correct. sorry I didn’t clarify it correctly. I’m hoping for the idle animation to be displayed properly. like the mage staff, for example.

Those ones that “work” contain animation data in their tool. These were added only to gears created after R15.

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