Bondi Rescue Roleplay — Infraction Appeals



Welcome to the Bondi Rescue Roleplay Appeals Management Department! Within this department, community members are given the option to submit an appeal on behalf of their infraction, in order to get further opinions towards the circumstances. Once an appeal has been received, our Appeals Staff will work collaboratively to determine the outcome of the suggested individual. If you believe the infraction you received is fallacious, this department should be your first point of contact.

How To Join

For the possibility of joining this department as an Appeals Staff member, it is obligatory to submit an application once the form has been continued. The application is not opened on a regular schedule; moreover, once more staff are needed for overall assistance. Before considering applying for this position, you must have adequately met our prerequisites.

⦁ Be ranked Executive Board or above at Bondi Rescue Roleplay.
No negative or unsatisfactory past history. This includes 3+ strikes/moderation actions; any of the sort.
Responsible and trustworthy member of the Bondi senior rank team.
⦁ Suitable to work with others competently, collaboration is a monumental part of the appeals management team.
⦁ Utilize proper grammar, punctuation & syntax in your application. This gives you an advantage in acceptance.

Important Links

Communications: :link: DjzxSeum5N

Contact Information

Any questions or concerns in regards to the Appeals Management department should be addressed with one of the listed users below accordingly.

Head of Appeals

Assistant Head of Appeals