Bondi Rescue Roleplay — Public Relations & Partnership Information



Welcome to the Bondi Rescue Roleplay Public Relations Department! This department is led by the Corporate Team, who work to introduce wonderful new groups into our community as an affiliate. Our Public Relations Officers collaborate in representing on behalf of Bondi Rescue Roleplay, while keeping our entire department acquainted with new adjustments and developments in our affiliate’s communities. The department regularly coordinates collaborative events alongside our presented representatives, that allow for a strong partnership.

How To Join

If you are interested in becoming a Public Relations Officer, it is compulsory for you to submit an application once they have been released. Applications for this department are not opened on a regular basis; indicating, you must wait until additional representatives are necessary. If you are enquiring about when this specific application may be reopened and you have fulfilled the prerequisites, please contact a Head or Assistant Head of Public Relations.

⦁ Ranked Executive Assistant or above in the Bondi Rescue Roleplay group.
⦁ Will provide 3+ complete sentences for each long answer question.
⦁ Ability to utilize proper grammar and punctuation throughout your application.
⦁ Must be an active member of our community.
⦁ Any negative past or present behavior within our community will result in an automatic failure in your application.

Partnership Information

The Bondi Rescue Roleplay corporation is regularly searching for additional groups to form a partnership with out community. In order to maintain and regulate a functioning department, we have collectively set a list of prerequisites that all possible affiliates must fulfill for our consideration; this is unavoidable and must be taken into account before submitting your affiliate application.

● We require that your ROBLOX group has a minimum of 5,000 non-botted members.
● Your group must maintain a certain level of professionalism and maturity at all times; moreover, portraying high standards in your corporation.
● No free-ranking, corruption, or anything of the sort.
● No NSFW Discord channel.
● Your group has a flexible timetable, able to host frequent alliance visits and events.
● Any recent or major unsatisfactory history within your group will follow in an instantaneous denial.

Once you have confirmed you meet each listed requirement and would like to apply for a partnership, you must create a Google Document to answer the presented questions. Your finalized application must be sent to a Head of Public Relations accordingly; corporate will evaluate your application collectively, and communicate your status within 1 - 3 days.

  1. What is the appellation of your association?

  2. Please provide a link to your ROBLOX group and communications invite.

  3. Why are you interested in forming a partnership with Bondi Rescue Roleplay?

  4. How will your group benefit Bondi Rescue if this affiliate application was to be accepted?

  5. How many players on average are there in your game daily?

  6. What unique characteristics does your group possess which is dissimilar to other groups?

  7. In regards to your affiliate application status, which member of your staff team should I contact if this application was to be accepted?

Contact Information

Any questions or concerns in regards to the Public Relations department should be addressed with the listed users accordingly.

Head of Public Relations

Assistant Head of Public Relations