Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct goes for all members of our group, and as soon as you step foot onto our Beach. No matter your rank, these expectations are governed towards everyone.
By playing Bondi Rescue roleplay, you agree that you will abide by all the in game and server rules. Please note that you also agree that you understand that any punishment given out is hereby the discretion of the High Ranks /Senior Ranks. Anyone who does not agree has the right to be under review by a Senior Rank.
1. Any form of trolling, talking back, and being overall disrespectful will result in a verbal warning. Unremitting after a verbal warning will be owing to a server ban.
2. Using exploits in our facilities will equal a permanent ban. Exploiting is strictly prohibited.
3. Avoiding an administrative action by creating an alternative account will lead to permanent measures.
4. Fabricating issues or blaming an individual for something they didn’t do will lead to punishments on the reporters behalf. We will not tolerate false / twisted reports or concerns.
5. Fail roleplay is discouraged. Please cooperate with the staff-members whilst conducting a water rescue.
We ask that your clothing is appropriate, and suitable. Any inappropriate clothing worn will result in a verbal warning to change, or a ban will be accommodated.
Our Communications Code of Conduct
Bondi Rescue functions on a Discord platform thus we support Discord’s Terms of Service in full. Alongside Discord’s ToS, Bondi Rescue Roleplay aims to provide a safe environment for everyone. We cater to all groups and races and do not tolerate any form or racism, or hatred. Any form of bullying, harassment, breach of privacy, racism; or any other action that compromises server safety will be handled in an administrative manner. While upholding our zero tolerance policy, we are also an equal opportunity employer. We believe that anyone regardless of race, sexual identity, or social group, has the potential to be an excellent staff member.
Approved and signed by the Bondi Rescue Roleplay Corporate Team,