Bone breakage script is heavily delayed (about 3 seconds)

My script that is supposed to set the LimitsEnabled property to false on A BallSocketConstraint is pretty delayed. Now, the bone-breaking sound portion of the script works just fine however when the script actually does checks on the body part name and makes LimitsEnabled false, it is already past the sound, making it badly delayed.

Here is my code. (FOCUS ON LINE 13-14)

local soundTable =  script.Sounds:GetChildren() -- yooo automated

	if script.Parent.Velocity.Magnitude >= 120 then
		if not hit:IsDescendantOf(script.Parent.Parent) and hit.Transparency <1 and hit.Locked == false then
			local randomSound = soundTable[math.random(1, #soundTable)]
			local clonedSound = randomSound:Clone()
			clonedSound.Parent = script.Parent
			if script.Parent.Name == "Left Leg" then
				script.Parent.Parent.Torso.LLRagdollJoint.LimitsEnabled = false

Any sort of help would be appreciated. Thanks!

You have wait(3) before checking the leg hence the delay. Move the wait(3) and clonedSound:Destroy() to after checking for the leg. Also use task.wait(3) instead.

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Are you using a part for the touched event, because if you do and without a debounce implemented into your script, the same event would fire like 20/30 times within a second. Maybe that can be the issue why it has a huge delay?

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Thank you so much for the solution!

I get where you’re coming from however I don’t experience that problem.