About me
Welcome to my portfolio, I update this randomly whenever I feel like it, I like to consider myself fairly advanced.
My name is @MrBoogle on Roblox, I am 16 years of age, I’ve been programming for atleast 8-9 years, and I’ve been programming Lua for around 4 years now. I programmed in some other languages like Java and HTML before Lua. I also used Clickteam Fusion 2.5, which is not a programming language but a game engine. I have around 1630 hours on that.
As for the kinds of things I program, I can do a lot of things honestly, I don’t have a whole ton of things listed here mainly because I never save my work If you need something created, just feel free to contact me and see if I am interested in it.
Blitz FPS
Want to point out I used FastCast for this
The ground framework for a FPS, its over 800 lines of code, it’s my main project currently, and I am quite happy with it so far. It is completly modular, allowing for easy changes and adding to it is easy as heck.
Here is a link to test it out, below are some videos as well. This game may be private depending on when you look at it. Blitz - Roblox
Video showing off the weapons
Video showing off the movement
Some code snippets:
Bullet Modules
module.bullet_velocity = 800 -- S/PS
module.bullet_range = 10000
module.bullet_gravity = Vector3.new(0, -workspace.Gravity, 0)
module.min_random_spread = 0.5
module.max_random_spread = 1
module.fire_rate = 60/600 -- 60 seconds / bullets per minute
module.pellets = 1
module.explosive_rounds = false
module.Sounds = {
Fire = 'rbxassetid://private'
Sliding Mechanic
local BV = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
sliding = true
BV.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
BV.Velocity = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector*slidedistance
BV.Parent = humanoidRootPart
TS:Create(char.Humanoid,TweenInfo.new(speed), {CameraOffset = Vector3.new(0,-2,0)}):Play()
wait(.4) -- Waits before stopping you.
sliding = false
Models created by @HeadlessCanadian
Rope Swinging Mechanic
Video showing off the mechanic
It is open source, so if you are interested in seeing it, here is a link
Voxel Terrain Generation using perlin noise
I wrote this after watching a lot of Minecraft tech video things
Also, I used deprecated rays in this, because it was like months ago
Literally all of the code for it
local x,y,z = 0,0,0
local chunkSize = 16
local noiseScale = 20
local seed = math.random(1,10^9)
local amplitude = 5
local blocks = game.ReplicatedStorage.Blocks
local chunkCount = 2
function updateCoords(X,Y,Z)
x = X
y = Y
z = Z
for layer = 1, 8 do
x = 0
for chunk = 1, chunkCount do
local chunkFolder = Instance.new("Folder", workspace.WorldFolder)
chunkFolder.Name = 'CHUNK'
local newCoords = {X = x, Y = y, Z = z + layer * chunkSize }
for X = newCoords.X, chunkSize+newCoords.X do
for Y = newCoords.Y, chunkSize+newCoords.Y do
for Z = newCoords.Z, chunkSize+newCoords.Z do
local noise = {
X = math.noise(Y/noiseScale, Z/noiseScale, seed) * amplitude,
Y = math.noise(X/noiseScale, Z/noiseScale, seed) * amplitude,
Z = math.noise(X/noiseScale, Y/noiseScale, seed) * amplitude
noise['Density'] = noise.X + noise.Y + noise.Z + Y
if noise['Density'] < 20 and noise['Density'] > -5 then
if noise['Density'] < 15 and noise['Density'] > 12 then
local block = blocks.GrassBlock:Clone()
block.Parent = chunkFolder
block.Position = Vector3.new(X*block.Size.X,Y*block.Size.Y,Z*block.Size.Z)
for _, decal in pairs(block:GetChildren()) do
if decal:IsA("Decal") then
decal.Transparency = 0
while wait(0.2) do
local ray = Ray.new(block.Position, Vector3.new(0,1,0) * 5)
local hitpart, pos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray)
if hitpart and blocks:FindFirstChild(hitpart.Name) then
for _, decal in pairs(block:GetChildren()) do
if decal:IsA("Decal") then
decal.Texture = 'rbxassetid://5457896738'
decal.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
block.Bottom.Texture = "rbxassetid://5457896738"
for _, side in pairs(block:GetChildren()) do
if side.Name == 'Side' then
side.Texture = "rbxassetid://5457890028"
block.Top.Texture = "rbxassetid://5457888252"
block.Top.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(58, 230, 5)
elseif noise['Density'] > -5 and noise['Density'] < 12 then
local block = blocks.StoneBlock:Clone()
block.Parent = chunkFolder
block.Position = Vector3.new(X*block.Size.X,Y*block.Size.Y,Z*block.Size.Z)
for _, decal in pairs(block:GetChildren()) do
if decal:IsA("Decal") then
decal.Transparency = 0
Accurate location of the ISS, real time
I used an API provided by Nasa, I think, it was a while back when I made this.
Some code of it.
function calculateCoords(lat, lng)
local mapWidth = script.Parent.Map.AbsoluteSize.X
local mapHeight = script.Parent.Map.AbsoluteSize.Y
local x = ((lng+180) * (mapWidth / 360))
local y = (((lat * -1) + 90) * (mapHeight / 180))
return x, y
Your best method of contacting me is through Discord, as I am on there almost everyday. I live in a PST timezone.
Discord: Boogle#4509
If for some reason you can’t contact me through Discord, you can always just send me a private message on the dev forum and I’ll eventually read it.
The only thing I request of you before contacting me, is just do a simple Google search of whatever it is you need completed. I don’t like having people asking me to program a hotkey for an animation, as that is literally 4 lines of code and I would not charge for that.
I usually don’t ask of a lot, just don’t try and cheap out because of this, mans gotta pay his non-existant rent somehow.
I’m currently not looking for any full time projects, but I am up for commissions always.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me whichever way I listed above, please don’t ask things like payment before telling me what you want created, as I have no clue until I see it.