Boolean Value Doesn't Change

I’m trying to make a shop system. The code shown below is the buy script. It’s supposed to change the value of a boolean value in a gui. When I test it the boolean value doesn’t change to true. No errors are coming up

local Cost = 100
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  local playerStats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
  local playerGold = playerStats:WaitForChild("Gold")
  local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
  local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned.Value

  if playerGold.Value >= Cost and  Owned == false then 
  playerGold.Value = playerGold.Value - Cost 
  Owned = true

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Do some checks along the way

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  local playerStats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
  local playerGold = playerStats:WaitForChild("Gold")
  local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
  local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned

print("Button clicked!")
  if playerGold.Value >= Cost and  Owned == false then 
  playerGold.Value = playerGold.Value - Cost 
  Owned.Value = true
  print("Not enough gold!")

Edit: Updated script with some @Wizard101fire90 of his script

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You are changing the script Variable Value, to change the bool value in the explore, do

local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned
Owned.Value = true

It’s allowing to player to buy it, it’s just the boolvalue that’s not changing

As mentioned above, you’re changing the variable, not the value.

Yes, you need to change it the way i showed

I edited the script.
(30 chars)

Can I change it to because it starts out as false?

local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned
Owned.Value == false

Yeah, but if you are changing it, make the two equal signs one equal sign.

When I only use one this happens

16:43:04.923 - Players.Play_MazeOfHeck.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Buy.Buy:7: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '='

Send me the code.
(30 charssss)

local Cost = 100
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  local playerStats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
  local playerGold = playerStats:WaitForChild("Gold")
  local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
  local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned.Value = false

  if playerGold.Value >= Cost and  Owned == false then 
  playerGold.Value = playerGold.Value - Cost 
  Owned = true


Here is it updated.

local Cost = 100
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  local playerStats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
  local playerGold = playerStats:WaitForChild("Gold")
  local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
  local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned
Owned.Value = false

  if playerGold.Value >= Cost and  Owned == false then 
  playerGold.Value = playerGold.Value - Cost 
  Owned.Value = true


Is this supposed to be part of the line above it or a separate line?

Just replcace your entire script with what I just sent.

It wasn’t working so I added this

local Cost = 100
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  local playerStats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
  local playerGold = playerStats:WaitForChild("Gold")
  local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
  local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned
Owned.Value = false

  if playerGold.Value >= Cost and  Owned == false then 
  playerGold.Value = playerGold.Value - Cost 
  Owned.Value = true
			print("Not Enough Gold")

It said that I didn’t have enough money when I clearly did because I had 1 million, I then added this instead

local Cost = 100
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

  local playerStats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
  local playerGold = playerStats:WaitForChild("Gold")
  local gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
  local Owned = gui.Shop.Stats.Frame.LongStick.Owned
Owned.Value = false

  if playerGold.Value >= Cost and  Owned == false then 
  playerGold.Value = playerGold.Value - Cost 
  Owned.Value = true
	else if playerGold.Value < Cost then
			print("Not Enough Gold")

It didn’t say anything in the outputs so something else isn’t working.

This needs to be and Owned.Value == false then

Also, you can use elseif instead of creating another if statement

Thanks, it makes it buyable, but the boolvalue doesn’t change to true when you buy it.

This might help?

local Players = game:GetService("Players");

local COST = 100;
local DEBUG = true;

local goldValue = Players.LocalPlayer

-- Property access nightmare.
local ownedValue = Players.LocalPlayer

ownedValue.Value = false;

local function onClick()
    if goldValue.Value >= COST and not ownedValue.Value then
        goldValue.Value = goldValue.Value - COST;
        ownedValue.Value = true;
        if DEBUG then
            print("The item was purchased");
    elseif DEBUG then
        if goldValue.Value < COST then
            local message = ("Not enough gold! Player has '%d' but needs '%d'"):format(
        if ownedValue.Value then
            print("Item is already owned!");


The problem might be that since you are defining the value before the click, the script is taking the initial value you gave it.

Try defining the owned variable as follows :

And then get its value within the MouseButton1Click event : Owned.Value = true.

It is weird but I think it happened to me a while ago as well and I think this fixed it.

Note : Do add a print() under the if statement to see whether it is actually checking so you know where the problem might be.