Boombox/Radio Vibration to the song

I need help making something like something shown in the video below. The boombox vibrates to the song and bass.

I tried looking for tutorials and videos for the past 30 minutes and cannot find a single video for what I am looking for.

Example of what I want:

The Sound class has a property named PlaybackLoudness, indicating how loudly the sound is being played on a scale from 0 to 1000. Knowing this, you can change the size of the boombox part. I’d highly advise you use a MeshPart, since it’s easier to use than regular meshes. Just store the default size somewhere in your script and change it according to the playback loudness using the Instance::GetPropertyChangedSignal event.

a.rbxl (34.0 KB)

I’ve modified the original boombox tool, it’s currently located in workspace.
