Booth Color Like Whoever not Change Color

Someone Changed Color then Will saved booth then rejoin Someone claimed booth show gui Saved

Someone didnt change color will rejoin Show Gui why It fix

Like Default Booth it not change Color
Here Script
Player Value


Pop UI Show Booth Inside Like Prompt Claimed This


without more context it’s kind of hard to see what’s wrong here.

It’s hard to understand your typing please reword it better so others can understand and help you more.

Possible Issue

  1. Booth Color Change is Not Saved Properly
  • If the player changes the color and saves the booth, but after rejoining the color doesn’t load properly, the problem might be in the data saving/loading system.
  • Ensure that when the player changes the color, the new value is saved in DataStore correctly.
  1. Booth Ownership After Rejoining
  • If a booth was claimed by someone else after rejoining, the script might not be recognizing the player as the booth owner, causing the GUI not to show.
  • Make sure to check ownership correctly when a player joins.
  1. Booth GUI Logic
  • If the color is unchanged and the player rejoins, the GUI may not appear because the script only triggers when a color change is detected.
  • Try showing the GUI whenever the booth is loaded, regardless of color changes.

How to Fix

  • Check DataStore saving & loading: Make sure the color is stored and retrieved properly.
  • Ensure the GUI updates when the player reclaims a booth.
  • Force the GUI to show when the player joins.

Uh, you just replied with how to fix? maybe try those and see if it works?

I try fix how it
DataStore , Booth Inside Script

Data Color :

local defaultBoothColor
	local WhiteHex = "#FFFFFF"
	local success4, savedColor = pcall(function() return BoothColor:GetAsync(player.UserId) end)
	defaultBoothColor = Color3.fromHex(savedColor or WhiteHex)
	CuzColor.Value = defaultBoothColor

Save Data

pcall(function() BoothColor:SetAsync(player.UserId, dataFolder.CBooth.Value:ToHex()) end)

Claim Booth Then Pop show In FireClient


Change With Saved Color Booth

	if WhoOwner.Name == Owner.Value then

		local Children = Booth:FindFirstChild("BoothAppear"):GetChildren()
		for _, child in ipairs(Children) do
			child.Color = WhoOwner.SystemData.CBooth.Value

I feel like using fromRGB would be easier.

Try to add prints and see what’s going wrong.

but someone dont have changed color
then someone clicked White booth why?