Border map: Sci Fi

Hi everyone!!
This has been a commission, and this is my first time making a map. It took some time, but I’ve learned so much, and I’m confident I could create something even better with 3x the speed. Could you please provide some feedback?

Inspired by Star Wars Aldeeran

The Map


Wow! I like the scale of the borders. The futuristic design is quite nice!


I like the terrain and the intricate structural details the buildings have.


This is incredible, you should make more like this! Great work!


You did a really good job on the rocks covered in snow. Did you place the rocks or the snow first? I’d love to know how exactly you did it.


@Kalkuklak Thanks man!

@VGVC2 I’m glad you noticed the details on them, it certainly took effort to make them as they are.

@CentreWorks Oh I intend to, thank you for the support.

Hi @Crazedbrick1 thank you for the support, and I’m glad you asked the question, I’m happy to help.
I’ll explain in the screenshots shown below.

So, take a normal rock, and add some snow to it. (Make sure to disable ignore parts). And by some snow, I mean just a little.

First Step

Secondly, select Grow option and reduce the size and the strength. The strength is actually dependent on the size of the rock/mountain. Say, if you have a mountain, you will keep the (1) strength for faster workflow. Anyway, I’ll demonstrate in the screenshots below.

Second Step

Thirdly, add a bunch of snow around the rock/mountain, it doesn’t really matter how it looks, as long as the snow is intersecting with the rock.

Third Step

Fourthly, select the Erode tool. Reduce the size to really small, less than the original Grow size. And especially reduce the strength. I usually use like 0.1 or 0.2 for small rocks that are better looking, and I use 0.5 or 1.0 strength for mountains

Fourth Step

And lastly, simply just erode the snow around the rock, to the point where you think it’s most fitting.

Last step. (this is where the fun begins)

Keep in mind that I did this rock quickly, purely for this demonstration. So it doesn’t look the best. But, if you put your mind to it, it could look amazing!


I’m very impressed!
I used to play Knights of the Old Republic and this gave me deja vu looking through your map. Your builds are all very clean and detail-balanced, but it was the terrain that really blew me away. Thank you for the little breakdown of your process with the snow covered mountains. You put a lot of effort into this build and it shows. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing more from you.


Those words mean more than you might realize, truly thank you.

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I originally thought it was inspired by Ziost rather than Alderaan, but good work!