Border wall doesn't look menacing enough

I made this border wall. I have one issue though. It doesn’t look scary enough. How can I fix that?


You could make the lighting to be at night and add some skeletons. It looks pretty good though

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Use darker colours, make the lighting darker, just a couple things that can help, otherwise looks good


You could add barbed wire on the top of the walls, but I’m not sure if it’ll look out of place.

Here is my settings.

It looks like the sky is creating an illusion that erase the menacing feel. It is even more menacing if you add sharper details on the top of the walls, barbed wire perhaps.

Not sure on which way of scary you’re looking for, are you intending to look for a more feel of dystopia or is this equivalent to the scare of “technological singularity”?

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I want to go for a feel that Military Simulator has. That game’s wall looks really scary.

I guess you’re looking into a little of the Papers, Please thematic. Try smudging the walls in textures around the lower half, design it more rigidly and add some sensible mix of dark-colored details on the walls.


Set clock time to 0 and see how you like the look of it at night?

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The sky is too bright, try having it at night and use some darker colored walls.

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@Dolphin_Worm, @james920003, and @Coldshot_Dev. I fixed the lighting a little bit.
I’m going to make a big gate too.

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Try using some decals for the wall or maybe texture add some cables like this
Thats all i can think on . :slight_smile:

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the lighting around you seems like it would go in a happy go lucky game while your trying to go for a menacing border. id say you make the border bigger and add more complex parts. maybe even throw in some darker colors there!

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