Both Dashboard and Developer pages both point to each other

Reproduction Steps

In the Developer Page, it asks you to go the dashboard by [clicking here]

This link brings you to the Dashboard

The Dashboard has a button to upload decals, clicking this button brings you back to the starting Developer page, thus creating a loop.


Expected Behavior

The Dashboard’s upload decal button simply lets you upload a decal normally.

Actual Behavior

The Dashboard’s upload decal button redirects you to the old way of uploading it on the site

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Create - Roblox and
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly

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We’re still moving features over to the Creator Dashboard, which is why it continues to be optional (you can still use the old Develop Pages for now).

We’re working on decal upload on Creator Dashboard currently!



oops, sorry about that. Didn’t realize it was still wip

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