Both Settings and Main Menu keep disappearing

So today I started scripting my Menu in Error Paradise and both Settings and the Main Menu keep disappearing, here is some evidence:
If you cannot see the video, it’s just me clicking the “Settings” button and the menu disappears completely.
Here is the line of code I wrote, I am beginning to understand lua, so this is my first time scripting GUI.

local PlayButton = script.Parent.PlayButton
local LobbyMenu = script.Parent.LobbyMenu
local SettingsButton = script.Parent.SettingsButton
local Settings = script.Parent.Settings
local Menu = script.Parent

	LobbyMenu.Visible = true

	Menu.Visible = false
	Settings.Visible = true

The problem is on this line:

Menu.Visible = false

You are setting the whole menu to invisible. Instead, do LobbyMenu.Visible = false to only disable LobbyMenu.

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LobbyMenu is the matchmaking menu (if I’m correct).

Can you send an image of your explorer?

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Here is the screenshot of my explorer.

Can you try doing LobbyMenu.Visible = false and see what happens?

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I’m having issues playing the video to help you. When I open it, it completely fails (I think my phone thinks this is a piece of audio).

The file isn’t mobile friendly. It’s an wmv, the file that Roblox uses.

A wmv should still work though.

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