Kicking them after they’ve sent the message is too late.
OK, change I forgot.
I meant: Can you trade me this Fedora for Robux? Can it be 328478 Robux?
Isn’t this message:lower() with : character in it?
Bots accounts trends to be new accounts, that only connects 1 time (or maybe more)
Try this:
I meant: Can you trade me this Fedora for Robux? Can it be 328478 Robux?
I dont expect someone to say it like that, i think nobody would say robux without any price at first.
I think if they would say it, it would always be a number first and robux after that.
Its fine, dont worry about someone being filtered for no reason, it works really well and if they get filtered, they can correct themselves afterwards.
The only case i had of someone being filtered for an actual message was when someone ended his message with “roblox.”, i had hardcoded it in and i have never had anything else afterwards.
I don’t except anyone saying this too, but I saw people who did like this all the time.
You can make a bool in the Module Script called sendWarningMessage
or something like this. If the value would be set to true (you can set it to true by default), every time the Script deletes your message, you will be notified in chat that your message was deleted and it will also write what was the reason of deletion.
Would it be possible to intercept the message or something and punish them then?
Ban for one day or kick or everything you want.
Yes, I use game:GetService(“Chat”):RegisterChatCallback. You can set up your own chat filter with that callback.
local function filter(message)
local messageLower = string.lower(message.Message)
-- run a filter that sets message.ShouldDeliver = false
return message
game:GetService("Chat"):RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnServerReceivingMessage, filter)
Cool suggestion, one improvement improvement to this would be to wrap it in a string.lower() as currently if they did: “Robux”, “robux” or “robUx” it wouldn’t catch it.
You could go further and instead of checking for exact string match use some other string constructors to detect variations of this message.
Bumping this as it has become an issue again, but the bots (at least for my game) seem to be joining on PC this time, mainly in the age group EighteenAndOver.
You can tell they are bots as the amount of visits throughout the day spikes, yet the average visit length plummets:
I just saw a similar anomaly in one of my games, you can see they are joining as PC clients based on the average visit length per-platform. Age group for the spike was also EighteenAndOver here. I was actually contacted by players yesterday complaining about bots spamming the chat. I think I’m going to move my filtered word/phrase list to a datastore so it can be updated faster.
This is the anti-bot module I use in my game. Can’t remember where I got it from.
--UPDATED: May 9rd 2020: Optimalized the code, added comments of how the code works
--I will update the list frequently since bots try to bypass this script
--Feel free to improve the script by yourself. If you did, DM me, I really like to see it.
local WordsThatTheBotProbablyWillSayWhenHeComesToSpamYourGame = {"robux", " r$ ", "!" ,".", " using ", "free", " for " ,"check ", " go ", "browser", "visit", ":"," instantly"}
local ReplaceMessage = "Im a bot, and I got kicked" --Feel free to modify :D
local function ScanForWords(msg)
local count = 0
for _,v in pairs(WordsThatTheBotProbablyWillSayWhenHeComesToSpamYourGame) do --loops through the list of words
if(string.find(msg,v) ~= nil) then --matches words with the message
count = count + 1 --if true, the total count will be increased with 1
if (count > 3) then --when the message matches 4 of the words in the words list, change is huge that this is a bot
return true
return false --if not a bot, the function returns false, so the If statement of line 26 wont succeed, and no one gets hurt
local function Run(ChatService)
local function FilterRobuxWord(sender, messageObject, channelName)
if(ScanForWords(string.lower(messageObject.Message))) then
messageObject.Message = ReplaceMessage
ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction("makeLowercase", FilterRobuxWord)
return Run
I made this module a while ago to try to combat these sorts of issues
You’ll have to add some entries or setup your own custom list or add a commit to the repository so they’re updated for everyone