I have an animation for a bow, and right now, the animation plays, ‘pulling back’ the string on the bow, but then obviously once it finishes the players’ character goes back to the idle animation right after. how would i keep the last frame of the animation on the character until i specifically tell it to stop in a script?
(aka stay like this until a script tells the character to go back to any other animation)
Have the last frame of the animation with the bow pulled back, or have the bow pulled back position as your idle animation.
I think if you don’t allow it to go back to the idle animation then it should stay at that same frame.
only problem though, the player wont really be forced to stay still while holding back the bow, they should be able to move around and so play any walking, jumping etc. animation in their legs while holding back the cord (think like in rust)
do you think it would work if i made a separate animation that looped the frame of the character holding back the bow and then cancelling the animation to visually stop holding the string on the bow?
I’m not sure. I’ve never dealt with animations other than just playing around with the tutorial.
I’m pretty sure I’ve read in other posts that you can create your own animation for walking with the upper torso holding the bow string back and then when the bow is released just return to the normal walking animation.