Boxing, 4 animations

Finished creating Boxing for fun, If you intrested i can give whole pack, idk.
I was too busy to fix the walk, Sorry : (


Right Punch

Left Punch

Give me feedback if you can, i would like to hear anything.


In a boxing match, I don’t believe boxers would walk forward like that, they usually stay on their toes, bend their knees and bring their dominant foot forward slightly and then their other leg forward and move forward like that. A boxer will never most likely bring their indominant foot forward as far as that otherwise balance goes bleh.

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Balance in a Roblox is something new, fr?
I didnt seen balance* in roblox even for once,
Foot forward makes bigger range and better punch power, thats why i made it “like” that.

No I mean, if you wanted to make your animations a bit more realistic. and having your lead foot forward at all times is how you want your walking animation to be.

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can you give the animations id?

It looks amazing! Although I have one question

will there be matt from wii sports in this boxing game

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This post is from oct 20 guys :skull:
I made those anims for free time, never for some game i dont remember where can i find those id’s anymore

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