BqTopsPack | V1.0




The BqTopsPack is a premade complete RCL Bricktops game for clanners that wish for their own tops place. Initially after making my own tops place, BqTops, I had made plans on continuing my work by creating a free to use, basic tops place for all avid clanners.

As of now, the BTP only comes with a free version, where as in the future there will be a premium bought commissioned version for the low price of 300R$.

How to Setup

It’s relatively simple setting up BTP. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Download BTP.

  2. Go to game settings and press publish.

  3. Fill out the description information you desire.

  4. Go to avatar and select R6, THIS IS IMPORTANT!

  5. This is purely optional, but I recommend enabling all settings under security, as if you’re purely using the BTP, there should be no concerns for any sorts of viruses and what not, and Kohls tends to work well with all these settings enabled, as well as making it easier for you to work with APIs if you ever cared to make an edit, or sell clan uniforms, etc.


Bqttles Bricktops.rbxl (55.5 KB)


wow very useful thanks of open sourcing it! :grin:


The gun code is entirely outdated, you are using code that was written for the most part in 2013/14.

Don’t use a single remote event, especially on something as high frequency as a gun firing. You are wasting bandwith sending the “Type” parameter. Same goes for “DrawLaser” from the server as well as it sending an unnecessary table (extra bandwith).

Don’t send the damage from the client. Shouldn’t have to explain why.

There is a bunch of other stuff that may cause issues, please stop reusing old code without giving it a second thought.

I highly reccomend doing your research before posting. Yes, RCL is outdated, it’s MEANT TO BE. In the clanning community, it is the most used gun in the entire community. It’s a simple system that develops skill for training.

Like I understand your response, but alas I want to ensure that it’s as pure to the original RCL as possible. Thanks.

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Do my research on what? I wrote the code we are talking about for the most part?
It’s definitely not meant to be outdated, it just happens to be.

Like I understand your response, but alas I want to ensure that it’s as pure to the original RCL as possible. Thanks.

Then you should understand that much of the concept was based around efficiency because back then people didn’t have good machines to run the game on. Sending unnecessary data over the network is definitely not efficient.

I’ll be frank, I had no idea you were BenBonez, different names lol

I guess you got a point, as all I really did with the RCL was edit a different model to update broken scripts + add custom cursors. I’m currently on vacation, but when I’m home I’ll look into it

Drip on a virtual avatar doesn’t mather.

In the future please follow DevForum Rules which can be found here Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum - Updates - DevForum | Roblox. Please be respectful and nice to others on the DevForum @IV0rd & @F00fighters .

Other than that, @BqIsSecretlyMLK_Jr nice contributation, Thanks. In future it’s recommended to release clean & effcience code then old 2013/14 code. This creates developers to start bad habits which isn’t needed.

Just because at first you didn’t know hes BenBonez you still should of listen to what he’s saying. He was pointing out a very valid issue.

No need to be hostile or disrespectful.

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All good man and thanks for looking into it!

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Thanks for the feedback, and I was just feeling lazy upon responding to him originally lol

Also, ignore f00fighters, he’s a friend who’s just trolling