BR Building System Ping Problem

Hello! Basically I made a BR building system and I noticed that it is ping related when I am in Roblox Studio I build perfectly with no delay but when I go into game with a higher ping I dont build aswell as I was in studio. Here are some gifs to show that I think it is ping related. Don’t worry about it bugging out I’m currently fixing that up. The first clip is me in Roblox Studio with 32 ping and the second clip is my friend ingame with 200+ ping. Anyway to fix/solve this?

Roblox Studio Building

Ingame Building

Considering my ping very rarely drops below 300, your friend might just have internet related ping. Maybe see if it happens to yourself in game?

It does the same when I go into a game with high ping.

Well in any case, you will always get different ping from studio and roblox since playing in roblox studio is on the client.

But my question is that does anyone know how to solve it?

Looking at those two animated GIFs, I do not really see a problem.

What you might consider a “ping related issue”, could just be the normal replication of newly created parts, from the server to the clients.

The higher the latency between server and client(s), the longer it will take to “get the data distributed.”

When you are playing locally in Roblox Studio, then there essentially is zero latency, so everything “works fast”. But having computer-programs communicate across networks, where these networks are not always reliable or perhaps congested, once the data is sent, it will take some time to be received at the other end.

I noticed in the GIFs, that the objects created, seems to be of many parts. - Perhaps if you look into reducing the number of parts that “one object” consist of, and do a live network-test with these. Then compare the results with how the original objects worked.

Because the more parts/objects that needs to be “instantaneously” sent from server to client(s), the more data needs to be transmitted through the network, which does have a limit on “how much can be transmitted per time-frame.”

Those “Objects” are MeshParts I don’t see how those can be a problem.