Br0wn_Leaf: Experienced User Interface Designer


Portfolio (1)

Hey there, I’m Br0wn_Leaf, a somewhat experienced user interface designer, and well. It’s pretty self explanatory what this is, but incase you want it in simple terms, welcome to my portfolio. I’ve been practicing user interface for about a year now (not on this forum though). And I would like to see what the roblox community has to offer. Alas I am creating this portfolio, hope you like what you see!



Examples (These are mere samples, if you want more info on whether I can make something or not it's best to ask me on discord)

There will be more of these coming in the future, tons more lol. Also I don’t think I need to address this since this seems like a pretty trustworthy community so to everyone here, please don’t steal my work and make it so I have to put white watermarks on everything, because I really think that ruins the feel of it.


I take :robux_gold: and :heavy_dollar_sign: through PayPal!

I will give you an estimate of what something will cost usually after I take the job, however most of the time I come to people who have job offers open so you probably won’t need me to eyeball a commission price!

Portfolio (2)

Discord: Timmy The God#1854

Non Discord People: Feel free to pm me here

Thanks for reading guys! :grin:


Not trying to be rude but your work seems very overpriced for the quality the consumers would receive. I recommend that you improve a tad by changing the text fonts, colors, etc, it’s very basic.

I’ll take your opinion into my considerations, but I mentioned that more examples would be coming, these are merely examples that I made in 30 minute spurts I will be making better ones. Thanks for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Also I added some new examples if you want to give feedback on those :slight_smile:

A very tiny improvement, I think that changing the text font would make it look nicer. Also, don’t add extra things such as “Now words in war” and the shushing face. I think it completely ruins the look. Maybe drag up the modes you can play in and put stuff under it?

Quite the perfectionist you are lol, I’ll see about changing them

Br0wn_Leaf is a great UI designer! He got his work done very quickly and he’s very friendly to talk to. I would definitely recommend him! 10/10

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