Hi all! Got a new game moving into the Beta stage shortly. It’s called Robloxio and it’s based on the hit web game Agar.io. I’m wondering if anyone could check it out? Is it fun for you? Any suggestions to make it more playable or more enjoyable are appreciated.
Robloxio is already a slitherio type game on roblox, I’ll play it and leave a review for you!
its awesome! I recommend using custom characters instead of default avatar. Also, there are way too many parts on the map. It lags. Its a good game overall tho!
It isn’t fun but it’s really well made. You could probably add a TON of stuff if you’re trying to make a agario game. I expected it to be 2D but you could make it a 3D version or something. Anyways, good job!
Thanks, I used streaming enabled to hopefully fix that… it’s supposed to be a large arena that has a lot of parts. Next development goals are for customizable username tags and skins.
Yeah, a custom character would fit well. But I didn’t encounter any lag at all.
The UI isn’t scaled very well on mobile and the UI also blocks the thumbstick on mobile. Some advice would be if you want to make the game have a 2D feel to it, you can script it to have a 2d view. It’s a great start however and it was pretty cool!
The game is good, but I just don’t found it fun personally. You can try adding a leaderboard.
It’s kind of like a simulator where you eat stuff to get bigger, except none of the pets and upgrades. I don’t really find it fun like a simulator though. Maybe try adding random events that happen every now and then to differentiate your game from Agar.io? The main concept is from Agar.io, I understand that, but it doesn’t hurt to add some original aspects to spice up the gameplay.
Mystery potion- it could be a grow potion or a shrink potion
Deathmatch- A few players get pit together in a special area with swords and kill each other.
Once you get too big movement isn’t fun anymore as you go painfully slow. Either decrease the movement penalty or put in splitting that allows you to be more mobile but also more vulnerable like in argaio.I also don’t understand why you put in the fruit that launches you in the air. Since there is nothing in the air, it just wastes time and is annoying if you accidently step over one.
Launch fruit was designed as a quick getaway method, if someone’s chasing you, jump away.
I would recommend making it have custom avatars – if you are going for an agario type then maybe make it a shape or something? – and maybe make it 2D/2.5D.
I’m not sure how you would do this, but maybe lock the camera above the player?
Making it so players have to work to buy something like skins or special fruit or something would make it more fun.