Brand New Phoenix Studios Logo!

Because of 2021, I decided to create our group a new logo!

DISCLAIMER: I know it is too bright and the red should be more orange. Im working on it right now.

Here it is:

The creation process
  1. Draw some mockups on some sticky notes
  2. Text each one to my co-owner
  3. He chooses the best one
  4. I draw it on ibiS Paint on my phone
  5. Put it onto my computer and turn it into a .svg
  6. Put the .svg into blender, smoothen it out, fix details
  7. Neon it with gradients
  8. Insert the background from
  9. Render 3 different images: 1920x1080, 1020x1020, 2160x1080

Tell me what you think could improve on it!


Not bad! Looks great :+1:!
However, one thing I don’t like is that it’s hard to see where the phoenix at first glance.


thank you!

Yeah, I actually video-called the co-owner of the group this morning and he said the same thing. I can’t fix it right now, because I have online classes in 10 minutes, but I will make sure to fix that when I get some free time!


Wow, this is very nice. I really like the colors that you used on the pheonix. I also liked that you used several colors rather than one. It makes it look 10x better! x

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