Brass Knuckles (Textured in substance painter)

This is my first time using substance painter! Please give me feedback on my model and texturing skills. I need to improve.
Brass Knuckles - Substance (Used)

Brass Knuckles - Roblox (Used)

Brass Knuckles - Substance (Dirty)

Brass Knuckles - Roblox (Dirty)

(I made the Brass Knuckles uneven because real brass knuckles were often made by hand)


If you squint hard enough it looks like a monkey


These look really cool and awesome! Amazing job on the texturing + modeling!

Thanks, now I can’t unsee it :joy:


Maybe smoothing it would be a suggestion? I don’t know if it was meant to be not smooth but if it wasn’t, try making it smoother.

I don’t see it, I only see a paw. Let me look again.

Edit: I see it.



The second and fourth image looks kinda off between the render and the shadow

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That’s the new env map feature. It’s causing weird shadows on the texture in roblox

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Make the texture smoother or the actual mesh?

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Like the edges. Not really familiar with things like these but for example, the edges of the circles seem a little rough and “pointy.” I don’t know if that was intentional or not, but if it wasn’t, I’d recommend making the edges smoother.

it depends on the reference you use. Most if not all of the references I used were like that

Oh ok. So, from what your saying, some are smooth and some aren’t? If so, then it’s good the way it is.

That’s what it seems to be as there are rough one last and smooth ones:


So yours is good the way it is. Great creation btw!

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Thanks for the feedback though. I’ll make another variant sometime in the future. I needed that feedback


Damn. This is HOT, the attention to detail is amazing.


This is pretty sick. I really like Brass Knuckles, they look really cool. And you did a great job of replicating the ones IRL.