Bratish - Rank Information

bratish - Rank Information



As our group continues to go through major changes, we’d like to discuss the current group ranks associated with the group. Our group is a clothing and a game show group and we’re giving the community the opportunity to receive a job here at bratish. We want to make sure everyone gets an opportunity to do something for the community!



Customer Ranks
  • Customer: Our lovely members of the group! These members have the opportunity to receive a job here in the group and another rank through purchasing clothing and/or winning game shows.

  • Mythics: Customer who has successfully purchased 5+ items in our catalog. We have so much to share in our store and we want to reward those who purchase our clothing in appreciation!

  • Delights: Customer who has purchased a whopping 10+ items! These members are truly dedicated towards the community and we’re grateful for them!

  • Angels: Our dearest customers who have purchased over 25 items in our store! We’re extremely grateful for these members!

  • Legends: People who are close to the owner and those who have helped the ownership team in the past.

  • Contributors: Members who have helped create the entire bratish group for all of you to enjoy.

  • Industry Icons: Affiliate representatives and important people to the community.

Gameshow Ranks
  • Winner: Participant who has officially won one of our game shows that have been hosted!

  • Champion: Member who has won a total of 5 game shows hosted!

  • Elite: Participant who has won over 10 game shows! These members are dedicated to their work.

Low Ranks
  • Intern: Member who has successfully passed their application and has become apart of the staff team. These members

  • Staff Assistant: Member who has successfully passed their first training! These members will help out during shifts and game shows.

  • Junior Supervisor: Member who has passed their first and second training. These members are extremely dedicated to their work and will help out during shifts and game shows!

  • Senior Supervisor: Only specific members are chosen to be promoted to Senior Supervisor. These members are chosen through activity and dedication. These members can help at shifts, game shows, and spectate trainings and/or interviews that are hosted.

Middle Ranks
  • Customer Service: Members who successfully pass their MR application or has been proven to be dedicated to their work. These members are able to do specific work within the community.

  • Shift Assistant: These members are promoted through activity and dedication to the group. These members are to help throughout their time here at bratish.

  • Sales Associate: Member chosen to be promoted throughout their time. These members are dedicated to their work and work to their full potential.

  • Management Team: Most dedicated members are chosen for this position. These members are to help with promotions and other things relating to the community.

Department Ranks
  • Moderator: Member chosen through an application to help supervise the Discord server and group overall. These members are chosen for their dedication and fine intelligence to benefit the community.

  • Host Intern: The host intern is a member that is apart of our hosting team. They’re here to provide game shows for the community.

  • Junior Host: The Junior Host is experienced in their work and have excelled in hosting. They will be constantly hosting.

  • Senior Host: The final rank of the hosting team. These members strive to provide great services to the community and are extremely talented.

  • Clothing Designer: Only the finest and most dedicated designers are chosen for this rank. These members are working to the best of their potential to provide clothing for everyone in the group.

High Ranks
  • Administration Team: Only the hardest working members are chosen for this position. The members of this group are to work to their best potential in providing an excellent experience for everyone in the department they are chose to work in.

  • Chief Moderation Officer: The most dedicated moderators are chosen for this rank and are chosen to fulfill this position. These members are working their hardest to benefit everyone and keep everyone and everything intact.

  • Chief Staffing Officer: Members are chosen to be apart of this team and work their hardest to promote those who work the hardest. These members are truly remarkable in their sense of idea and creativity.

  • Chief Design Officer: Only the best of the best designers are chosen for this rank. These members work to their full potential and try to do the best they can to promote the group through it’s creativity.

  • Chief Relations Officer: Member of the Relations team are chosen to be apart of this rank because they work extremely hard to promote the group. These members are the best of the best and will do the best they can to provide a great experience for everyone.

Corporate Ranks
  • Developers: These members work to promote the group through it’s work. These members strive to do the best to bring new and great things to the community.

  • Junior Corporate: These members work their hardest to make the community a great place. These members want to provide the best services for everyone.

  • Senior Corporate: Senior Corporate members are chosen because of their dedication and activity to the group. These members do the best they can for the group through their department. They will always bring some good news to the group.

Ownership Team
  • Senior Vice President: This is the first rank of the ownership team. These members are chosen for their experience within the group and their dedication. Their ideas are always brought to discussions and they’re here to provide information needed for everyone.

  • Executive Vice President: Our Executive Vice President members are chosen to provide information to the community. These members are dedicated to their work and want to make sure everything is done properly.

  • Executive President: The likelihood of anyone being promoted to Executive President is very rare because these members are the best of the best in everything they do. They want to do the best for the community and know what’s correct.

  • Co-Owner: This member is appointed by the Owner. They’re here to assist the owner in every situation. They are administrators and are the most trusted members.

  • Owner: The owner is the lead of everything. This member will provide everything for the group and makes sure everything is in the best quality as possible.



We appreciate every single member of our staff team and our community. They are the people who have put us where we are today.

The Ownership Team
Created: 6/22/20
Last Updated: 6/22/20
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