NOTE: This Article Is Just A Quick Breakdown Of What’s Going On Lately In CFL, And What Will Happen For The Future. This Does Not Mean Any Changes That Are Going To Be Made Are Permanent, And Nobody Is Required To Do Anything.
CFL Closing
For those of you that have been paying attention to the group, we are dealing with a lot of issues right now. Toxic teams, inactive teams, people jumping ship to other leagues, a few reported alt accounts raiding CFL, reported stadiums being exploited, illegal’s discords being made, players leaving, un-organized scheduling, terrible coaching, and the the list goes on and on and on. This isn’t the list that you need to go off of cause you won’t know what your talking about. This is only the beginning of how much of a dumpster fire CFL is at the time of this forum’s release. Me and other CFL Vets, and Administration feel that it’s important to close CFL. It’s time for everyone to take a break and get a refresh from football. Players can admit all they want that they don’t need breaks or it’s not that bad, so for those that think that, you truly don’t pay attention to the struggles of these teams, or the commissioner. So CFL will close, probably for a couple of months but none of this is permanent or anything. Just like every other group that is owned by FatPotateo, nothing is permanently closed until the day he retires from Roblox. This takes us into the next section.