NOTE: This Article Is Just A Quick Breakdown Of What’s Going On Lately In CFL, And What Will Happen For The Future. This Does Not Mean Any Changes That Are Going To Be Made Are Permanent, And Nobody Is Required To Join RCBL.
Reporter: Charles Bloxport
CFL Closing
For those of you that have been paying attention to the group, we are dealing with a lot of issues right now. Toxic teams, inactive teams, people jumping ship to other leagues, a few reported alt accounts raiding CFL, reported stadiums being exploited, illegal’s discords being made, players leaving, un-organized scheduling, terrible coaching, and the the list goes on and on and on. This isn’t the list that you need to go off of cause you won’t know what your talking about. This is only the beginning of how much of a dumpster fire CFL is at the time of this forum’s release. FatPotateo, Administration, and CFL Vets feel that it’s important to close CFL. It’s time for everyone to take a break and get a refresh from football. Players will say all they want that they don’t need breaks or it’s not that bad, for those of you that think that, you truly don’t pay attention to the struggles of these teams, or the commissioner. So CFL will close, probably for a couple of months but none of this is permanent or anything. Just like every other group that is owned by FatPotateo, nothing is permanently closed until the day he retires from Roblox. This takes us into the next section.
RCBL’S Return
Most of the players in CFL joined last year. So most don’t know that this group existed. But it does. In 2016 FatPotateo created a basketball league. No matter what group were in in, There are tons of basketball fans and because of that we think it’s best that we switch to the sport. It’s not super hard to play, there’s not a lot of X’s and O’s as much as football, teams can fill up faster, and because of little practice needed, it’s less overall stress for everyone and personally gives FatPotateo more time to continue working on AGM movie films. RCBL’s schedule is exactly like CFL’s. No dates and times are different unless we need to catch up. Which is most likely what will happen the 1st week of the schedule. With that being said, nobody is required to join RCBL. CFL is going to be closed, which means there won’t be any activity going on. RCBL will be the main focus and if your not a basketball person or want to take some breaks from the dumpster fire, be our guests. This is for the people that want to come along.
Closing Statement From FatPotateo
Whether the league is having a phenomenal year or having a dumpster fire year, I am proud of everyone’s hard work and effort towards the group. Being able to show up and stay mentally sane is one thing. But to ball out and sweat for CFL is something that’s going to stay with me even when I’m 40 years old. CFL’s success is always going to depend on you guys and you made it more successful then I ever hoped when it first opened in May of 2016. I once again appreciate everything that you guys have done for the group and It means a lot to me more then you can comprehend. My sights, and I’m guessing a lot of yours, are set on RCBL and it’s time to start hoopin. Join if you want, nothing is required but If you do join that’s cool. Some players like always will be restricted but that’s neither here or there. Time to close out the first chapter of 2021 and begin the second. Good luck to everyone in the choices they will make these next few days, and see you soon.