BreakJointsOnDeath is not anywhere to be found

The property BreakJointsOnDeath was made live on March 14th, but is not listed anywhere on the developer hub. Could we get this added, along with some use cases and such?


This was probably a publishing error that got overlooked.

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@Usering @Maximum_ADHD Thank you for pointing this out. We had the info ready to release but it had not been published yet. The page has been queued and should be live within the next 24-48 hours!


Was this ever published? If not, can we expect it soon? I can’t find it at all when searching if it exists.

There’s a reference to it on the page for Humanoid but it errors.

Just checked on it – it looks like the documentation was there (albeit a little barren), but the page itself wasn’t published…until now. Should be visible!

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