Breakpoints won't be shown in "Breakpoints" window while running the game

Reproduction Steps
This is a specific case. I couldn’t simulate the same situation in a new project, so I sent the my current project in PM.

  1. Open the game file (sent in PM)

  2. You will see a breakpoint at line 372:

  3. Run

  4. The breakpoint won’t be shown on that window anymore:

Expected Behavior
The breakpoints should appear on the breakpoints window while running the game

Actual Behavior
The breakpoints won’t appear on the breakpoints window while running the game.
Edit: the situation is the same no matter if “better breakpoints beta” is enabled or not.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
A private message is associated with this bug report

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


After several months of no response, I realized that this problem occurs only if the script is inside ServerScriptService.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create an empty project
  2. Create a new script inside ServerScriptService:


print("Hello world!")
if false then
  1. Set a breakpoint at line 3 print('false')
  2. The breakpoint window will show:
  3. Run
  4. The breakpoint window will NOT show the breakpoint:
  5. Stop
  6. Move this script to the workspace:
  7. Run
  8. This time, the breakpoint window will show the breakpoint correctly.

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Hi, did you see the last post? There, it is described the EXACT problem you can reproduce.
But many months after, the bug is still there.
And it’s very annoying.

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Then just switch to server? I made 3 scripts: 1 in ServerScriptService, 1 in ServerStorage and 1 in ReplicatedStorage. When I switch to server, every breakpoint is shown (every breakpoint is visible for the server), and when I switch to client, only the one in ReplicatedStorage is shown (the only breakpoint visible for client).



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I’ve been living with this problem for a long time and with your solution, I will now be able to work better in debugging.
However, I will leave this bug report open for now, due to this misbehavior that caused all this doubt, which not even Roblox has been able to solve until now, except you.
Thank you very much.

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This was fixed in some versions.

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