Breeze into Wind! [Fully Released]

Thank you for the help, i will update my code, and post

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Also the reddit is probably privated because of the Reddit blackout.
They restricted API access by making it ridiculously expensive, so a bunch of subreddits went private in protest.


I feel like that wouldnt do much, but alright

and @h_vcn
Use wait() instead of task.wait(). Although not as accurate, it throttles (so if your game is lagging it will slow down to reduce server load).

Keep in mind that this script does not work in live games due to it being in beta.


WOW! THIS. IS. AMAZING. Iā€™VE GOT NO OTHER WORDS TO DESCRIBE THIS FEATURE! Definitely will be using it :smiley:


I just got told by some other dude to use task.wait ._.


It is ultimately your choice.

  • wait will reduce server load, improving the FPS of the server when doing resource-intensive tasks.

  • task.wait will wait a more accurate time, but it will not throttle (so if the server is under heavy load, task.wait might cause it to lag more).


This is so cool! this is something that I really need!



While it is useful to have the whole grass height change all together. It would prevent players from achieving the depth that is important in the grass. What if you want tall grass in one area and short grass somewhere else, right now and for the past 5 years that has been hard to create.

Either you make grass meshes and they just stand out because they donā€™t move with the wind.

Or you do the complicated way, which is making a grass mesh and code it in to make it move with the wind, additionally coding it to interact with player movement.

Another problem that Iā€™ve been trying to combat for the last 4 years is, making it look like the grass has more coverage over the terrain, or have some sort of hue running across the top, or being able to have different grass colour in whatever area I choose.

This as an example is something I eventually want to be able to achieve, but so far, for the past 5+ years I havenā€™t been able to do any of it. It would be quite disappointing, especially for me to have Roblox touch on grass now, yet do nothing significant to actually make a valuable change.

Would love to have some sort of feedback or reassurance that we will be able to create something similar sometime soon.


Very cool feature that has been needed for years! There is just one thing missing that would be great to add; the ability to have workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSpeed be effected by the wind! Thatā€™s just my personal opinion though, but I hope it gets added sometime.


brilliant update. could be more brilliant if we had custom grass textures like in unity. in present; even if we make the most realistic forest possible, grass will still be stretched triangles which completely destroys the realistic vibe.

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Could you make this affect fabric in order to make a simulation of flag waving?


if they continue the wind stuff we will probably have cloth physics

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How would I grab the speed of the wind in a script? Iā€™m wanting to create dynamic wind audio that increases in volume based on the speed of the global wind.


My computer isnā€™t that good, but it has lagged me a bit.

W feature!! This will add a lot of realism into games :slight_smile:


Are there any plans to make it dynamic? Iā€™m sure that it would be way more useful to change grass height only in certain areas than the entire terrain,


  • under a house,
  • near a body of water
  • near bigger vegetation
  • on a sidewalk
  • a recently abandoned building

Or straight up an area with low vegetation, maybe you want to make a houseā€™s lawn bigger than the neighbourā€™s. Or maybe thereā€™s a forest nearby the neighbourhood and the grass there should be bigger.

Those are all examples of where itā€™d be useful to have dynamic control of grass height.

Im glad the staff is working hard on new updates, Im sure everyone really appreciates it and making grass change heights in specific parts only might be way more difficult than changing the entire grass height. And we know that you guys do want to release things eventually, but I wouldnā€™t mind waiting more if it meant that weā€™d get a way more complete feature. Changing the height of the entire terrainā€™s grass just, isnā€™t it.
(Specially for big maps where itā€™d get way harder to control how everything looks after changing a single value)


Imagine if ugcs had the option to connect with physics like hats
Maybe hair too


That is exactly what Iā€™m saying, thank you.

It has been a LONG while since grass has been touched and it would be disappointing if there is no significant change.

Please look into it guys, would be willing to wait a bit more if grass gets more customization options, its an essential feature to make experiences look ā€œaliveā€ and unique.


local windspeed = (workspace.GlobalWind.X^2 + workspace.GlobalWind.Y^2 + workspace.GlobalWind.Z^2)^0.5