Brick color 4,7,8,194 being the same

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Hi Im making procedural obby!

  2. What is the issue? Im using brick color to set the team color n stuff, But brick color 4,7,8 returns stone grey so if you’ve got to stage 194 and you died , Your getting teleported back to stage 4


why are you using numbers for BrickColors instead of strings like “Really black”, “Fossil”, and/or “Lime green”? any anyone explain if this is a valid idea to do so?

Brick color strings would work way better and would be less confusing, maybe that might solve the issue

BrickColor strings. Use them.

if you’re using numbers, all of your numbers are invalid except for 194

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Hi , my obby supposily has an infinite stage so its easiest to classify stage by number, and I cannot possibly create a table of infinite string.
@ExtremeMaster999 @VauItZone

Well yes i suppose,It still print a valid color as Medium stone grey , And im not sure if it is invalid (no color exist) so it chooses Medium Stone Grey + I need team leaderboard, It uses brickcolor.

Yes, @Mister33j is right. Numbers 4, 7, and 8 are not listed as a valid number for BrickColor because they are not occupied yet, so they end up becoming the default color, Medium stone grey. See BrickColor Codes for more info.

Hmm, Thanks, So Ill use a custom spawn implementation then. thank you all!
Ps is there anyway i could get infinite team color?

Could you explain what you mean by this?

I have an Infinite obby essentilly it generates over time I wanted checkpoint, but i also wanted team to see what stage you are in but It can have Infinite stage but theres not much brick color, like a thousand a or two

Why not just create a array of BrickColor color names and choose a random color

Umm same brick color combines team, and infinite obby/thousand brick color , reoccurrance will occur

Didn’t you say you were creating a custom spawn system? And can’t you create a stage counter?

Yes, but I wanted it to show like team instead of just stage, im ok with just a stage displayer if thats not possible

Alright I’m getting confused, what about using a internal counter and use the data for saving where you were

Like in some roblox game, Theres a team color with a team name over the player in the team, I wanted that but its ok if that is not really possible

Save the team name? I can barely understand your intentions here

Ok you could just ignore this, all of it.

Basic Understanding
The really old method of checkpoint is, To create a team, Enable team change on touch and chage the team color to match the team’s team color which is a brick color

What I wanted
You see when you create a team, In the leaderboard it also created a team’s banner, Its a team color rectangle with a white text of the team’s name on it, Now I liked that, And In a world of Infinite Obby, I need infinite team which I already Finished

The Problem
Now I use that approach but I needed some way of creating a team and assigning a color, As I know, Team color is a BrickColor, So I used the which will construct a BrickColor based of an interger, Now Integer 4,7,8 and more are non-existent so it chooses Medium Stone Grey , Now the check point method Completely depends on the team color so duplicate team color would not work

Common Solution That Would Not Work
Creating a table of string, Now that would not work as I Technically have infinite stage, Meaning It gradually generate and nevers end, Chance of reoccurrance will be inevitable (It will reoccur just a matter of time. Now I think it impossible to get that team banner with infinite stage and Im ok with that.I could prob create a custom spawn solution but it will not have a team banner.

First of all, there isn’t infinite BrickColors right?