BrickBattle Royale Patch Notes / 11.2.2018



Sniper Rifle fire rate changed from 2rps to 1rps

We realized pretty quickly that without any bloom when unscoped, people would be able to land some sick shots, and that’s great. The issue was when people began to put extended mags on their snipers, creating a very viable and arguably more consistent and powerful version of the battle rifle. To combat this we decreased amount of shots that can be done in quick succession, hopefully putting the sniper back into place.

Sniper Rifle recoil went from 50 to 100

We think this should also work in unison with the fire rate change to nerf extended mags on the weapon, but we also think this is more of a visual feedback change and should make landing shots feel even more satisfying.

Shotgun recoil went from 30 to 40

The shotgun is really strong right now but is also a necessary evil where the game is at right now. We’re still in the process of a complete rework of the weapon, introducing spread patterns and a more balanced damage composition. This nerf specifically should just make the gun slightly more difficult to use, but likely won’t do very much.

Knife base damage decreased from 60 to 35

Although we’re still working on a more comprehensive change to the melee weapons that hopefully will eliminate some of the cheese, we fully acknowledged the knife was ridiculous in the state it was in. This puts it more in line with the katana, in fact slightly worse.

Burst Rifle fire rate went from 6rps to 8rps

After the nerf to it’s fire rate previously, this gun went from OP to kinda just “okay.” This should up its usability a bit, but shouldn’t get it back to the must-use status that it was at one point.

On every weapon other than sniper rifles, we made the reload speed about 25% faster. For example: Assault Rifle reload time 2.3s to 1.7s

We felt that the reload speeds in general felt way too slow and didn’t fit the pace of the rest of the game, so we wanted to improve on that front.

Laser lowers recoil by 10%

Previously, the laser was purely cosmetic. We believe this will increase the usability of it and incentivize people to pick it up more in general.

Extended Mag increased from 1.2x to 1.5x

This won’t make that massive a difference, but will up the usability of this upgrade and help distinguish it from the large extended mag better.

Large Extended Mag increased from 1.4x to 1.8x

Downed players now take 2x damage

We felt as though downed players were eating up far too many bullets for what should have been a simple finishing kill, so we decided to multiply the damage by 2.

Small cooldown in between switching weapons

Not sure where to put this exactly, but it is technically a nerf to double pump and double rifle. This means you can’t just switch back and forth and fire instantaneously, there’s a small “draw” cooldown. That being said, this was primarily to combat the speed glitch that was achieved this way.


Added a tab menu for inventory/shop

We get it. You guys want to be able to rearrange your inventory… well here you go. Press tab in order to get into this menu which will unlock your mouse and allow you to drag weapons from one slot to the next and check out our new items for sale! In here is also the complete list of controls.

Added sounds and effects to melee weapons

This should not only make them more satisfying to play with, but also remove some of the cheese of someone coming at you from behind and not being able to hear them like you would with a gun.

Added damage sounds and screen effects

Hear, hear! A better way of telling when you’ve been hit has finally come! Now, when you’re shot/slashed at, there’ll be an audible damage sound. It shouldn’t be too intrusive, but it was noticeable without one. We’ve also added in directional hitmarkers finally!

Added impact sounds

These sounds are ones that play when someone shoots at you, misses, but hits some geometry elsewhere. Now you can audibly hear the bullets landing rather than just whizzing by into nothingness. This should increase tension in crossfires exponentially.

Added dash effects and sounds

This will make it much easier to tell when people are using their movement abilities and therefore make them easier to hit.

Added jump and double jump effects and sounds

Added scope in/out sounds

Added health/armor sounds

Added landing sounds

Added ragdolls

Just falling apart into a million pieces lacks the umpf we wanted, so now players ragdoll when they die. These ragdolls also take into account velocity, so beware of any flying dead bodies!

Added landmarks in corners of the map

This should make it easier to communicate to others where you’re at in relation to things, and also serve as a sneak peak to some of the content that’ll be elsewhere in the full map!


Guns can no longer be reloaded when the magazine is full

Equip animations for melee weapons

Selected inventory slot set to 1 after respawning

Improved character looking on rails

Now can cancel reload by firing weapon

Auto-reload on equip if ammo is 0

Various bug fixes

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