BrickColor overrides Color

Hello, ive encountered this on pretty much all of my custom made guns, i set the color however the BrickColor just decides to pick a different one? In studio preview it looks okay, however when u test in game it changes to the BrickColor


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Then you could just change the Brick color to the same as Color.
edit: actually wait, I wasn’t thinking it right, that’s not how it should be fixed, my apologies.

Perhaps try messing with both of the properties until they work? But one thing I see is that grey and brown are far off from being similar, try re-selecting Color again so that BrickColor changes accordingly to the most similar color that matches with Color.

Hello, i have tried everything ngl it still seems to happen not sure what is going on

do you think it could be a script issue? Do you have any that could be changing it at all?