I am making a script that changes a block’s colour every .1 seconds, using .random, so it’s not just the same repeated pattern, and I don’t have to spend ages looking for colours.
Problem is, there are some colours it can’t be like Black, Really black, Pine cone & bright blue.
Is there any way I can exclude these colours?
What you could try doing is using a while loop to generate colors until they’re not black really black… etc.
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That would take too long, and make it harder to be able to go through the script.
It’s also a very specific script, that would end up adding a delay. It’s a specific pattern that goes from fast to slow.
another thing you could try is making an array with all the possible brick colors and then just remove the ones that you wouldn’t want to include. However, what you said about adding a delay isn’t really true considering it won’t have a wait statement within the for loop, and since you only have a few colors, it wouldn’t affect performance.
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Can you give an example line or do I just do that with .random(“colour”, “colour”, “colour”)
I found this tutorial - Example on how to get all brickcolors - Resources / Community Tutorials - Developer Forum | Roblox
Basically, you would just do
local Colors = {}
for i = 1, 1032 do
local BrickColorValue = BrickColor.new(i)
if not table.find(Colors, BrickColorValue) and BrickColorValue ~= "undesired value" then
table.insert(Colors, BrickColorValue)
--use this statement anytime you need to get a random color:
local randomColor = Colors[math.random(#Colors)]
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Definitely will not be able to work that in. Ever
Here’s a script that might work for you:
local Colors = {}
for i = 1, 1032 do
local BrickColorValue = BrickColor.new(i)
if not table.find(Colors, BrickColorValue) and BrickColorValue ~= "undesired value" then
table.insert(Colors, BrickColorValue)
while true do
p1.BrickColor = Colors[math.random(#Colors)]
--rest of your script
So do I just paste the rest in, then?
well you would need to set the p1/p2/p3 brick color to Colors[math.random(#Colors)]
, but then yes, you would
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As in I just need to add p2 and p3 under p1, or?
Sorry I only know enough about scripting to make frames, I’m not familiar with this kind of stuff
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Yes, and then you want to make sure the if statement
if not table.find(Colors, BrickColorValue) and BrickColorValue ~= "undesired value" then
includes your brick values as undesired values
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Assume I can just add a comma, then the next values?
no, you would have to add and BrickColorValue ~= “undesired value”
for every color value you don’t want
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Used the
function, worked perfectly
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Oh god learn collectionservice, it will organize this so much…
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Never heard of it. I honestly don’t care either. It’s a dancefloor pattern not the entire game
All of your code would be 4 lines bro.
Its so much faster, way less work, way more efficient
Is there a documentation page?