Bright Curved Surface

Hey everyone!

I’ve recently been looking at games made by Homemade_Meal, and I’ve been baffled about how they create bright surfaces on curved faces in their renowned game TUNNELER:

This looks like a MeshPart with a SurfaceAppearance object, using an emission map? I’m unsure!

Any pointers/help would be greatly appreciated.


I could see a Beam being used here, since it can glow and curve. Have you tried messaging the creator and asking how it was done?

2 parts - neon and image parts.

That might be a clever solution.

And yes, I’ve tried getting in contact with the creator, but I can’t!

My best guess for this model is that they used a MeshPart with its’ own unique PBR map made in Adobe Substance Painter, but sadly it costs money.

It is most likely a meshpart set to neon with two children-- a texture (for the pixel grid), and a decal.

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They could have a half cylinder mesh, add that type of vignette as a decal on the front, make it neon and less blue and then add their UI as an decal,

Looks like I figured it out, and it does involve a Decal.

I totally forgot that a Decal can project itself onto a complex mesh. However, I NEVER knew that if you go beyond the 255, 255, 255 color threshold in the Decal, it will start producing an emission/glow effect.

I used this knowledge to create some curved signs, and they don’t look bad at all.
Image below is a test chamber sign from Portal 2.

If you apply some other overlays such as a vignette or grain, it will look much better.

Did this for vending machines as well.

VendingMachines.rbxm (68.9 KB)
Portal2_TestChamberSign.rbxm (23.0 KB)

Thank you all in advance for your help.

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