Dental Assistant: Check-Ups, Sealants, Cleanings.
Dental Hygienist: , Fillings, Bondings, Whitenings.
Dental Technician: Retainer Check-Up, Dentures, Veneers, Crowns, Retainers.
Orthodontist: Braces Removal, Spacers, Braces, Braces Tightening, Braces Check-Up.
Oral Surgeon: Dental Implant, Wisdom Tooth Removal, Root Canal, Extraction.
- Scale the client’s teeth by hand.
- Scale the client’s teeth with a mechanical scaler.
- Ask them the kind of toothpaste they like.
- Brush their teeth gently with the gritty toothpaste.
- Suction and rinse
- Treat the surface of their teeth with fluoride.
- Tell them not to eat for the following hour to avoid wiping off the fluoride.
- Inquire whether the customer has lately had any dental problems.
- Ask them if they clean their teeth at least twice a day, and if they don’t, encourage them to do so.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Request that they open their mouth so that you may examine their teeth.
- Look for cavities in their mouth.
- Check for plaque and tartar in their mouth.
- Have their teeth X-rayed.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Rinse and suction the teeth thoroughly.
- Use an etching solution to prepare the area where the sealant will be applied.
- Using an air nozzle, make sure the tooth is completely dry.
- Prepare the sealant and apply it.
- Double-check that it’s in the right place.
- Use a curing light to cure the sealant.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Place retractors in the mouth of the client.
- Cover the client’s gums with a protective gel.
- Apply the whitening gel to the teeth’s surfaces.
- Use an activating light to activate the gel.
- Let it stay for a few minutes before washing and suctioning.
- Scrape the gums free of the protecting gel.
- Explain to your client that their teeth may be sensitive for a few days following the treatment and that they should avoid eating anything for the next hour to avoid discoloration.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Prepare the region where the filling will take place by numbing it.
- Drill the cavity, making sure to get rid of any diseased or fractured pieces of the tooth.
- Suction
- Inquire whether the client prefers a gold, ceramic, or silver filling.
- Fill in the gaps with the filler.
- Use a setting light to set it.
- Explain to your client that their teeth may be sensitive for a while after the filling, and that they should be careful not to disrupt the tooth.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Mix a composite resin that matches the colour of your client’s teeth.
- Gently abrade the surfaces of the bonded teeth.
- Apply the resin to the teeth’s surfaces that are to be bonded.
- Use a curing lamp to cure the resin.
- Polish the teeth’s surfaces until the client is satisfied with the result.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Have their teeth x-rayed.
- Make a mould of their teeth.
- Prepare the crowns using the imprints.
- Place the crowns in the client’s mouth and check to see whether they like how they appear.
- If they are, affix them to the wall.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Make a mould of their teeth.
- Fill the imprints with cement, which will produce an exact reproduction of their teeth, and let it cure.
- Once the plaster imitation has set, cover it with plastic and wait for it to cool.
- Once the retainer has cooled, abrase the edges to guarantee that it will fit inside the client’s mouth.
- Place it in their mouth, making sure it fits nicely and that they can put it in and take it out.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Inquire whether they’ve had any problems with their retainers so far.
- Request that they put their retainers in their mouths.
- Double-check that they still fit properly.
- Make sure the retainers are in good condition.
- Request that the client’s retainers be removed.
- Return their retainers to the client after cleaning them.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Examine the client’s oral cavity.
- Take the patient to the x-ray room and take a dental x-ray.
- Make a mould of their teeth.
- Match the colour of the denture to the client’s teeth.
- Place the dentures in the client’s mouth and make sure they are comfortable and delighted with the appearance.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Match the colour of the veneers to your client’s teeth.
- Gently abrade the enamel surfaces of the teeth you’re going to put the veneers on.
- Place the veneers on the teeth’s surfaces.
- Use a bonding light to adhere the veneers together.
- Polish the teeth’s surfaces until the client is satisfied with the result.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Have their teeth x-rayed.
- Inquire about their preferred colour bands: red, orange, yellow, green, navy, teal, magenta, violet, white, black, silver, or clear.
- Insert the retractors into their mouths.
- Thoroughly rinse and suction their teeth.
- Apply an etching solution to their teeth’s surfaces.
- Using suction, remove the solution from their teeth’s surfaces.
- Apply a little ‘drop’ of glue to each tooth’s centre.
- Put the brackets in place and make sure they’re in the right spot.
- Use a setting light to put them in place.
- Take the smallest wire and thread it through the brackets on the rear.
- Use the bands they picked to secure it.
- Trim the wire’s ends before inquiring whether there are any sharp edges.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Inquire whether they’ve had any problems with their braces so far.
- Inquire about their preferred colour bands: red, orange, yellow, green, navy, teal, magenta, violet, white, black, silver, or clear.
- Place retractors in the mouth of the client.
- Take off the old bands from the brackets and discard them.
- Cut the wire and discard it.
- Get a thicker wire and reinstall it in the back brackets before moving on to the main brackets.
- Use the new bands to secure the brackets.
- Trim the wire’s ends before inquiring whether there are any sharp edges.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Inquire whether they’ve had any problems with their braces so far.
- Inquire about their braces and see if they have any queries.
- Request that they open their mouth and inspect their braces.
- Take x-rays of their teeth and compare them to the ones they had previously.
- Determine when they will be able to remove their braces.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Examine their teeth.
- Using pliers, loosen and remove the brackets.
- Using a polisher, remove the adhesive from each tooth.
- Suction and rinse
- Make a mould of their teeth.
- Take them to the x-ray room and have their teeth x-rayed.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Get the spacers ready.
- Separate the molars using spacers.
- Double-check that the spacers are in the right place.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Suction and rinse
- Anesthetically numb the gums around the tooth or teeth to be removed.
- Gently probe their gums to see if they can feel anything.
- Before removing the tooth, gently loosen it.
Suction is number six. - Insert a cotton wool roll into the gap left by the tooth.
- Inform your client that they should rinse their lips after eating and that their mouth will be uncomfortable for a few days while it recovers.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Suction and rinse
- Use a general anaesthetic to put them to sleep.
- Make a tiny hole in the area where the implant will be inserted.
- Put the implant in place.
- Before waking them up, rinse and suction them.
- Ascertain if they are satisfied with the implants.
- Before you go on with the appointment, ask them if they have any questions.
- Suction and rinse
- Use a general anaesthetic to put them to sleep.
- Loosen the wisdom teeth before they are extracted.
Suction is number five. - Insert cotton wool rolls into the gaps left by the wisdom teeth.
- Get them to wake up before putting an ice pack on them.
- Make their teeth numb.
- Use a dam to isolate the tooth.
- Start drilling the tooth.
- Suction and rinse
- Cover the tooth with a crown.