Bring an "Are you sure" prompt to Publish/Undo changes to package


As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to restore a change by accidentally pressing publish/undo, or prevent it.

I heavily edited a package script, and I tried to press Publish Changes, but my mouse went to Undo and clicked that, and all my 3+ hours of hard work was erased.

At least there should be some prompt for carefulness to prevent this. Having publish/undo literally next to each other without any reverting system or conformation prompt is very annoying and not really good UX practice on the Roblox frontend.

There should also be a package auto-save or version control system.


Hi Nyapaw, thanks for the suggestion!
If you accidentally click on “Undo Local Changes to Package”, you should be able to undo “undo” using Ctrl+Z (Cmd+Z on mac).


100% facts. Today I just accidently clicked “Undo” instead of “Publish”. Having them next to each other + no confirmation makes this super bad in terms of UX.
Ctrl+Z didn’t seem to work.

Damn… that’s rough. Sucks to be you. I feel there should be also a confirmation

I just lost 4 hours of work due to this.
CTRL+Z did nothing.

The fact that there isn’t a prompt for undoing a package or publishing is absurd. The publish and undo button should not be that close to each other in the first place.

Roblox please change this. This is the second time this has happened to me.


Agree, but tired of people putting “Are you sure …?” into prompts :slight_smile: Just say “Publish changes?”

Are you sure makes it more confusing, and the wording can influence a decision