Bring Back Gears Module - Bring back allowed gears!

Recently, I realized that Roblox removed the “Allowed Gears” in the game settings. This made me pretty frustrated due to wanting to add it to my fighting game. So I made a Module that brings it back!

How to implement into your game:

  1. Download the rbxm Bring-Back-Gears/v1.1.rbxm at main · mlnitoon2/Bring-Back-Gears · GitHub (roblox denied access to the original module because it uses require :confused: )
  2. Import it into the workspace
  3. Go into “AllowedGears” and set the gear genres you want to allow to true.
  4. Allow HTTP Requests inside your game settings.
  5. You’re done!

Please credit me if you are going to use it.

If there’s something wrong with the module, or you want to suggest something, add a reply to this post! :slight_smile:

PS: I’m going to add a feature soon to replace a gears scripts to a fixed version if it’s a broken gear. If you have gears you want me to fix for it, add a reply to the post!




Nvm I uploaded it to github it should work! Bring-Back-Gears/bringbackgears.rbxm at main · mlnitoon2/Bring-Back-Gears · GitHub

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er, something happened :person_shrugging:

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Bring-Back-Gears/new.rbxm at main · mlnitoon2/Bring-Back-Gears · GitHub try this version


i’m guessing it works perfectly, but my inventory is private so it’s failing to retrieve it

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Yeah unfortunately there is no other way to get a players owned gears.

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Isn’t there like a prompt you can make which asks the player to allow access to their inventory?

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I have no clue lol,


I’m pretty sure there is, i’m not sure what it’s called though.


@keyre124 @KingBlueDash @mlnitoon2

You’re looking for AvatarEditorService:PromptAllowInventoryReadAccess which allows you to read the player’s inventory with AvatarEditorService:GetInventory.

Note that permission only lasts in the session that it’s asked for in, so if the player leaves they’d need to be prompted again.



  • Module now prompts to allow inventory if player has inventory off
  • Presets!

Download → Bring-Back-Gears/v1.1.rbxm at main · mlnitoon2/Bring-Back-Gears · GitHub