Bring back the Scripting Helpers subforum

So, this is the description of Scripters forum:

However, when I visit the forum to partake in coding discussion, all I see are the help topics that aren’t supposed to be there

I’m so disappointed. I was an active member in the subforum between 2011 and 2013 and had the time of my life there with the community and the various discussions on code and scripting. If someone accidentally posted a help topic in Scripters I’d do my best to help them and then point them to Scripting Helpers for future help. If I was feeling like a good Sumerian I would obviously go to Scripting Helpers; a separate subforum for good reason. Obliterating Scripting Helpers (which was a pretty active subforum) just redirected 90% of the help requests to Scripters, which just drove out any of the old-and-gold members who were still there.

What I’m saying is, Scripters is obviously not meant for help requests if it states so in the description, but the moderation seems to let the help requests go through anyways. Please consider bringing the Scripting Helpers subforum back.

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