I am talk about roblox studio is only computer. Is that fair. No is not fair roblox studio only for computer should be equal, should be for computer , mobile devices and others devices. Not only for computers. #BringBackRobloxStudio #onmobliedevices #otherdevices
#equalright #this #petition
Thank you have nice days.
There are limitations on different devices, there are reasons roblox isnt on mobile, although with new technologies coming out, having studio on roblox becomes easier, ofc, then roblox would have to make a port for mobile which might take a bit. But my only question would be doing everything you need to do, on a tiny little screen, not saying its not possible, just saying it’d hard.
Also I don’t think roblox has much reason to port to mobile, as that’s more people they have to moderate, more money they need to spend, etc.
Its possible they’ll do it, just maybe not for a while